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आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर दिगंबर जैन पाठशाला

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प्रवचन -आचार्य विद्यासागर जी

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मूकमाटी -The Silent Earth

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Everything posted by Vidyasagar.Guru

  1. 1. Who is called Arihant Prmeshthi ? Who is adored by 100 Indras ,who is passionless ,Omniscient and who is benevolent in speech, (i,e.who delivers spiritual preaching which are beneficial to all), who has destroyed four destructive Karmas due to which he gained four infinite exclusive Excellences (Anant chushtaya ), who has faded even the radiance of the Sun by the radiance of his supreme pure gross / transparent body, who remains four fingers above from the lotus placed on the throne ,who is embellished with the 34 excellences and eight auspicious emblems, who has become free from birth-death, etc. 18 faults, is called Arihant Parmeshti. 2. What are synonym names of Arihant Parmeshti ? Arihanta, Aruhanta, Arhat, Jina, Sakal Parmatma, Arhanta and Sayogkevali. 1. Arihanta - Who has “Hant”, i.e. destroyed “Ari”, i.e. enemies ,(i.e. Destructive Karma), is called Arihanta. 2. Aruhanta - He roots out the tree of Destructive Karma, hence, is called Aruhanta. 3. Arhat - Who is worshipped by deities, Indra, humans, Chakravarti, is Arhat Parmeshthi “Arham poojayam”, the root word “Arhah” means “worshippable” and with the conjunction of root word “Arhah”, the word Arhat is formed which means “who is evi dently gets worship by all”. 4. Jina - Who wins out the attachments, etc. enemies, removes the ignorance ,etc. coverings, that soul, is called Jina. 5. Sakal Parmatma - “Kala” means body, who is with pure supreme transparent body, is called Sakal Parmatma, i.e. Supreme soul with pure body. 6. Arhanta - Who has seen the entire matter-substances by his omniscience, destroying the destructive Karma, is called Arhanta (Shri Dhavlaji , 8/3, 41/89/2). 7. Sayog Kevli - Who is omniscient at present but is with vibration in the soul-points. 3. How many basic virtues /attributes are there of Arihant Parmeshthi ? There are 46 virtues of Arihant Parmeshthin which includes 34 Excellences ((Atishaya10 of birth, 10 of omniscience and 14 created by celestial beings ), eight auspicious emblems (Pratiharya) and four infinite exclusive Excellences of Jina Lord ( Anant Chatushtaya-Infinite conation , knowledge ,bliss & power). 4. What are ten excellences of birth of Arihant Parmeshthi ? 1. Extremely beautiful body, 2.extremely perfumed body, 3 sweatless body, 4. body free from excrement and urine, 5. Beneficial sweet voice, 6. incomparable power, 7. white blood like milk, 8. 1008 auspicious characteristics / marks which includes conch, club, Chakra (wheel), etc. 108 characteristics and mole, measles ,etc. 900 symbolic marks, 9. symmetric form (Samchaturasra Sansthan), 10. adamantine-osseous structure/constitution (Vajravrashabhnarach Samhnan). 5. What are the ten excellences of omniscience of Arihant Parmeshthi ? Flourishness all around in all the four directions up to 100 yojan (one yojan= four kosa, one kosa is = 2 miles and one mile is =1.5 km.), i.e. time of plenty and prosperity, no famine spreads within that area. Space-Movement, i.e. movement above four fingers from the lotus (placed on the throne) Four faced-ness - there is only one face which is visible from all the four directions. Non-existence of pitilessness, i.e. there is virtuous disposition of compassion and the violence of any type does not occur there. Non-existence of calamity - neither calamity is committed on the Omniscient nor in his assembly and if there already had been calamity it ends with the manifestation of omniscience, like the calamity afflicting on Teerthankara Parshwanath, was destroyed as soon as the omniscience manifested. Non-existence of morsel-food - after manifestation of omniscience, he does not need taking morsel food. Mastery over all learning. Growth-less-ness of nails and hair. Wink-less vision. Shadow-less-ness of the body. 6. What are the 14 Excellences designed by the deities? Semi-Maggdhi language - The nectarous speech of the Lord remains beneficial to all living beings and the deities of Magadhian community expand it in all the 12 Assemblies and translate it in all the languages. Mutual friendship - Spirit of friendship is infused among all the living beings due to which even inborn enemies-lion-deer, snake-mongoose ,etc.sit together forgetting their en mity. Purity in all the ten directions - All directions become free from dust, etc. filths. Pure clean / dustless sky - The sky becomes free from clouds, etc. Blooming and sprouting of fruits and flowers of all season. Crystal clear earth like a mirror up to one Yojana. Creation of golden lotuses beneath the feet of the Lord at the time of movement. The sound of devotional acclaim in the space. Blowing of slow and fragrant wind. Shower of sacred fragrant / perfumed water. Thornless ground, i.e. the ground becomes free from pebbles, stones and thrones. Supreme joy to all beings. Movement of religious wheel ahead. The eight auspicious substances accompany the Lord, such as parasol, whisk, pitcher, small pitcher with a spout, ensign, fan, Thona, and mirror. 7. What are called Ashata Pratiharya, i.e. Auspicious emblems and what are they? Ashoka tree, etc. created by celestial beings, are called Ashta Pratiharya. They are eight in number. 1 Ashoka tree, 2. Three parasols, 3. Throne studded with jewels, 4 Divya Dhwani (Divine voice in the form of Omkar sound), 5. Kettle-drum, 6 Divine flower-fall, 7. Bhamandal (Halo), 8. Sixty four Whisks. (T.P., gatha 4/924-936) 1. Ashoka tree - Behind the throne of Teerthankara ensconced in the Samavsaran there is one Ashoka tree created by deities and spreaded over the head of the Teerthankara which is adorned with flowers of jewels and by red leaves. 2. Three parasols - Three parasols, studded with gems and adorned with frill of pearls , as a mark of sovereignty over all the three universes and broader from top to bottom, in sequence , remain over the head of the Lord. 3. The throne studded with gems - There is one throne studded with jewels which makes the luster of the Sun dim and is lion-shaped. There is one lotus consisting of one thousand petals on the throne and the Lord ensconces four fingers above that lotus in the space. 4. Divya Dhwani - Divine sound in the form of Omkar sound -One strange type of thunderous form of alphabetical sound in the form of"Omkar Sound" comes out from the mouth of the Lord after manifestation of omniscience which is called "Divya Dhwani". This sound is in the nature of transforming into the language of animals, humans and celestial beings; is extremely sweet, charming, profound and elaborate, comes out naturally on its own without the desire of the Lord due to virtues of the living beings capable of attaining salvation (Bhavya-Jeeva ), but it does not come out in the ab sence of the Gandhara. 5. Divine kettle-drum - There is divine kettle-drum acclaiming the Teerthankara which is profound like the ocean pervading all the directions and gives the auspicious message of the arrival of the Lord to all the livings of the three universes. 6. Flower-shower - There goes on showering of divine flowers from the sky of pleasant Mandar, Sundar, Nameru, Parijat and Santanak ,etc.good trees with their head upwards accompanied by fragrant drops of water on the Lord in the Samavsaran. 7. Bhamandal (Halo)- An extreme brilliant more radiant than many of the suns as well as charming halo appears surrounding the head of the Lord which makes the body of the supreme soul rapturous and lustrous. Its brilliance disdains the light of the illuminated substances of the three worlds. In the reflection of this halo, the accomplishable soul (Bhavyatma), i.e.soul worthy for salvation can observe his three lives of the past ,one of the present and three of the future totaling seven. (Jain Tattva Vidya ,P.45). 8. 64 Whisks - On both the sides of the Lord sixty four whisks are waved by handsomely adorned deities. These whisks are of clean, shining fibres and of beautiful shape like the fibres of lotus-stems and their staffs are studded with superior gems and are golden. 8. Which are the infinite quadruplet exclusive Excellences (Anant chatushtaya )? Infinite knowledge, infinite perception, infinite bliss and infinite power. 9. What is called "Atishaya “? Miraculous , amazing and attractive specficl acts, are called “Atishaya”) or “Atishaya” is the speciality not found in common people. 10. Enumerate the kinds of Kevali (Omnicient)? Teerthankara Kevali - The omniscient who enjoys 2,3,5 Kalyanakas ,i.e. auspicious benedictory events. General omniscient - Omniscient who are not accompanied by Kalyanakas. Antkrit Keveli - The ascetics who attain final emancipation within an Antarmuhurta by attaining omniscience on occurring of some calamity. Upsarga Keveli - The ascetics who attain omniscience by enduring the calamity. Mook Keveli - The ascetics whose speech/divine Omkar sound does not come out even after manifestation of omniscience for example Muni Deshbhushan and Muni Kulbhushanji. Anubaddh Keveli - Manifestation of omniscience just at that very day on which one ascetic attained salvation, Just as Gautam Swami, Sudharmacharya and Jambu Swami. These three were Anubaddha Kevali. Samudghat keveli - When the age of the omniscient remains Antarmuhurta and the duration of remaining Karma remains somewhat more, hence he performs Samudghat (i.e.emanation of soul points without leaving the body) for equalizing the duration of remaining Karmas equal to the age Karma .
  2. 1. Who are called Parmeshthi ? Whose rank (position) is Supreme in Jina - governance (i.e. in Jina - discipline), who is excellent of all in attributes and whom king, Indra, Chakaravarti, celestial beings, lion etc. pay obeisance, are called 'Parmeshthi'. "Parame pade tisthiti iti Parmeshthi uchhayate". According to this etymology who are, stationed in Supreme rank, are called 'Parmeshthi'. Here the word Y4 (Supreme) means pertaining to the next world. 2. How many Parmesthi are there, enemurate the names ? 'Parmeshthi' are five - Arihanta Parmeshthi, Siddha Parmeshthi, Achharya Parmeshthi, Upadhyaya Parmeshthi and Sadhu Parmeshthi. 3. Who is the seniormost Parmeshthi ? The 'Siddha Parmeshthi' is the seniormost 'Parmeshthi'. 4. If 'Siddh Parmeshthi' is seniormost then why the 'Arihant Parmeshthi' has been saluated first ? Arihant Parmeshthi has destroyed four destructive Karmas ('Ghatia Karama'). They are free from life, i.e. they will not take further birth now, still they are not free from world but 'Siddha Parmeshthi'have destroyed all the eight Karmas, therefore, they are senior of all. But the knowledge of 'Siddha Parmeshthi', Omniscient (Deva), Scripture and substance (matter) is obtained through 'Arihanta Parmeshthi'. Therefore, with regard to the beneficence he bestows upon all living beings, the 'Arihant Parmeshthi' has been saluated first. 5. Where do 'Panch Parmeshthi' live ? And where do they move ? 'Panch Parmeshthi' except Siddha Parmeshthi live in 'Adhaidvipa' (2.5 universal continent - Jambudvipa, Dhatkikhand and Ardhapushkara) of the middle universe (Madhya Lok) and in two oceans i.e. in an area of 45 lac yojana. Among these, Teerthankars and Kevali Bhagwan move only in all the 'Arayakhandas' but Achharya, Upaddhyaya and Sadhu Parmeshthi also go in 'Bhogabhumi' for exhorting there. 'Siddha Parmeshthi' live in the end of last 'Tanuvatvalaya' (circle of thin atmospheric air-layers) of the upper world. 'Siddha Bhagwan' live above 7050 'Dhanusha' from the 'Siddhashila' situated in the Isatpragabhara, the 8th land, (a slightly bent rock of eight yojan thick) up to the end of the universe. But ahead of it due to non-existence of 'Dharmastikaya' (medium of motion) Siddha Parmeshthi', the master of infinite powers, stay (stop) there only. 6. How many Parmeshthi can be seen (visited) in person ? Four Parmeshthi except 'Siddha Parmeshthi' can be seen face to face but at present in 'Panchamkala' (the fifth time period of 'Avsarpini kala' ,i.e. 'Dushma kala'), only three Parmeshthi- 'Achharya', 'Upadhyaya' and 'Sadhu Parmeshthi' are seen in Bharat & Airavat regions. 7. Which 'Parmeshthis' are included in sixty three 'Shalaka Purusha' (particular 63 great personage) ? Only Arihant Parmeshthi is among 63 Shalaka Purush'. 8. Whether any foreigner can become 'Sadhu' ? Yes, but no one has become Sadhu as yet. 9. How many Parmeshthi award initiation ? Three Parmeshthi - 'Achharya', 'Upadhyaya'and 'Sadhu' Parmeshthi award initiation but mainly 'Achharya Parmeshthi' perform this religious duty. 10. Who are 'Deva' & 'Guru'among Panch Parmeshthies ? Arihanta & Siddha Parmeshthi are 'Deva', the Lord and 'Achharya', 'Upadhyaya' & 'Sadhu' Parmeshthi are 'Guru'. 11. Which Parmeshthi are among three - less nine crores 'Muniraj' ? Four Parmeshthi - 'Arihant', 'Achharya', 'Upadhyaya' and 'Sadhu'. 12. Which Parmeshthi should be meditated in which colour and in which body-limb ? 13. How many Parmeshthi come in your house? Three Parmeshthi come in our house for taking food and for exhorting ? 14. Which Parmeshthi are 'Ariyaka', 'Ailak', 'Kshullaka', Kshullika and 'Bhattarakji'? None of them is Parmeshthi, i.e All the fives are not any 'Parmesthi'. 15. How many 'Parmeshthi' take sleep ? Three Parmeshthi - Achharya, Upadhyaya and Sadhu take sleep. 16. Idols of how many Parmeshthi are made ? Idols of all Parmeshthi are made. 17. What kinds of idols are made of 'Panch Parmeshthi' ? Idol of Arihant Parmeshthi remains with symbol and 8 auspicious emblems ('Pratiharya'), and without these Pratiharya are the idols of Siddha Parmeshthi and that of Acharya Parmeshthi in the posture of raised hand conferring blessings (bestowal of blessing), of Upadhyaya with scripture and with 'Pichhi' and 'Kamandalu' (peacock -feather broom and water container with nozzle) of Sadhu Parmeshthi. Note : The idols of Acharya, Upaddhayaya and Sadhoo also are not sculptured exactly alike, i.e. resembling in toto along with their marks of identification. 18. Anointment of how many Parmeshthi is performed ? No anointment is performed of any 'Parmeshthi' in incarnate position. Anointment is performed of the installed idols of respective Parmeshthi.
  3. वन्दनीय आर्यिकाश्री अनन्तमती माताजी ससंघ का मंगल विहार बांदरी से सागर की ओर हुआ।
  4. वन्दनीय आर्यिकाश्री दृढ़मति माताजी ससंघ का मंगल विहार अमरावती से मुक्तागिरी तीर्थ की ओर हुआ। आर्यिकाश्री तपोमती माताजी ससंघ से भव्य मिलन हो सकता है 5 फरवरी को।
  5. पूज्य मुनिश्री विनीतसागर जी महाराज, पूज्य मुनिश्री चन्द्रप्रभ सागर जी महाराज का मंगल विहार भानपुरा से झालाबाड़ / झालरापाटन मार्ग पर हुआ
  6. जो जहां था, वहीं से चल दिया आचार्य श्री का आशीर्वाद लेने उनके पीछे-पीछे आचार्य विद्यासागर महाराज अचानक मंगलवार को दोपहर भाग्योदय तीर्थ परिसर से निकले तो उनके विहार की पूरे शहर में खबर उड़ गई। जिसको जहां कही यह जानकारी मिली। वह आचार्य श्री की एक झलक पाने अपनी दुकान, कार्यालय और घर से बाहर निकल पड़ा, मोबाइल पर एक-दूसरे से जानकारी ले कर आचार्यश्री के पीछे चल पड़ा। वहीं आचार्य श्री ससंघ तेजी से अपने कदम बढ़ाते हुए शहर के प्रमुख मार्गो से होते हुए केंद्रीय जेल पहुंचे। जेल के मुख्य गेट पर हजारों की संख्या में एकत्र हो चुके महिला, पुरुष और युवाओं का हुजूम ने अाचार्य श्री के जयकारे लगाए। विद्यासागर महाराज की एक झलक पा लेने के बाद भी लोग उनकी वापसी की रात तकते-तकते पूरे डेढ़ घंटे जेल के बाहर खड़े रहे। ब्रह्मचारिणी भी वहीं खड़ी रहीं। वर्णी कालोनी क्षेत्र की महिलाएं दर्शन करने घर से दौड़ते हुए पुरानी गल्ला मंडी के चौराहे पर पहुुंंची तो निराशा हाथ लगी। महिलाएं दर्शन करने ऑटो रिक्शा पर बैठ कर गोपालगंज होते हुए जेल के बाहर पहुंच गई। जहां डेढ़ घंटे बाद दर्शन करने का अवसर मिला। आचार्य श्री के पांव पखारे - जेल के अंदर जेल अधीक्षक, जेलर, डाक्टर और स्टाफ सहित कैदियों ने आचार्य श्री के पांव पखारे। इससे पहले विद्यासागर महाराज ने हथकरघा यूनिट, जेल का विडियो कांफेंस रूम, जमीन पर बनाया गया भारत नक्शा देखा। वहीं जेल की बैरकों में बंद कैदी खिड़कियों के सीखचें से आचार्य श्री को बड़े कोतूहल से निहार रहे थे। यूनिट के लिए 5 लाख दान करने की घाेषणा जैन समाज के एक श्रृद्धालु ने की । वहीं आउट लेट और चलित शोरुम के लिए जेल प्रशासन ने 10 लाख की डिमांड की है। आचार्य श्री बोले जैसे यह हथकरघा सागर में नहीं मुंबई में खुला हो - आचार्य श्री ने शीतल हथकरघा के लूमों का भी अवलोकन किया। काम कर रहे लोगों की तरफ मुस्कराते हुए देखा और बोले शहर के और लोगों को ऐसे हथकरघा खोलना चाहिए। शीतल हथकरघा को देख कर विद्यासागर महाराज ने कहा ऐसा लग रहा है जैसे यह हथकरघा सागर में नहीं मुंबई में खुला हो। इस अवसर पर किरण जैन ज्योति जैन, नीलू जैन आदि ने आचार्य श्री पाद प्रच्छालन कर आरती उतारी। झलक पाने डेढ़ घंटे व्हील चेयर पर बैठे बैठे की प्रतीक्षा - आचार्य श्री के दर्शन करने के लिए दमाेह से अपनी बीमार प|ी कमला देवी के साथ भाग्योदय पहुंचे एन के जैन को जैसे ही आचार्य श्री के जेल की आेर जाने की जानकारी हुई। वह प|ी को लेकर सीधे जेल गए। जहां गेट के बाहर उनकी प|ी करीब डेढ़ घंटे धूप में व्हील चेयर पर बैठी रही। शाम 4.35 बजे आचार्य श्री गेट से बाहर निकले तब जा कर उनकी एक झलक मिल सकी। इसी तरह डाक्टर, वकील, इंजीनियर तक आचार्य श्री की झलक पाने के लिए जेल पहुंच गए। गोपालगंज से आईजी आफिस तक का रोड दो घंटे बंंद रहा : गोपालगंज में भारत चौक से लेकर तहसीली में आई आफिस तक बड़े एवं भारी वाहनों के प्रवेश पर पुलिस ने रोक लगा दी थी। सारे वाहन आई आफिस के बाजू से निकले। जेल के सामने वाली रोड पर आचार्य श्री के दर्शन करने वालों की भीड़ लगी रही। मुनि समय सागर महाराज ससंघ जरूआखेड़ा पहुंचे - मुनि समय सागर महाराज 14 मुनियों के संघ के साथ खुरई से बिहार करते हुए मंगलवार को शाम जरुआखेड़ा पहुंचे। मुनि संघ के 7 फरवरी को सागर पहुंचने की संभावना है। मूक बधिर बच्चों से भी मिले आचार्य श्री - घरौंदा संस्था की संचालिका प्रीति यादव मंगलवार को 10 मूक बधिर बच्चों के साथ भाग्योदय पहुंची और आचार्य श्री को श्रीफल भेंट किया। आचार्य श्री बच्चों से मिले और आर्शीर्वाद दिया। बच्चों के साथ चंदू शुक्ला, सुकुमाल जैन, संतोष जैन कई लोग थे। आचार्य श्री की 22 आर्यिकाओं ने की अगवानी - आर्यिका अनंतमति माताजी ने आचार्य संघ की की अगवानी आचार्य श्री जब जेल से हथकरघा यूनिट देखने के बाद भाग्योदय लौट रहे थे तो बांदरी से बिहार कर सागर पहुंची आर्यिका अनंतमति माताजी और आर्यिका भावना मति माताजी सहित सभी 22 माताजी ने आचार्य संघ की अगवानी की और आचार्य श्री ने सभी माता जी को आशीर्वाद दिया।
  7. प्रसंग – ०५/०२/२०१९ को भाग्योदय से केन्द्रीय जेल की ओर विहार और जेल में चल रहे वृहद् हथकरघा केंद्र का निरिक्षण । ⛳ सबकी धड़कने बढ़ गयी जब हमारे अनियत विहारी गुरुदेव ससंघ अचानक ही संत भवन से निकले ... सब के मन में कौतुहल कि क्या हो रहा है ... पहले लगा शायद अस्पताल के निरीक्षण के लिए जा रहे हैं लेकिन जब भाग्योदय के प्रमुख प्रवेश द्वार के बाहर निकले तो सबकी दृदय गति में अचानक ही तेज़ संचार हो गया ... किसी को कुछ नहीं पता .... सारे शहर में ये खबर आग की तरह फैल गयी कि गुरूजी का भाग्योदय से विहार हो गया... क्या...??? ⛳ लेकिन शनैः शनैः स्पष्ट हुआ कि गुरुदेव जेल जा रहे हैं गए हैं आदरणीया ब्र. रेखा दीदी (पूर्व डीएसपी) की देख रेख में उनके निर्देशन में पल्लवित हो रहे भव्य हथकरघा केंद्र जिसका नाम बड़े बड़े अक्षरों में जेल में अंकित है आचार्य विद्यासागर हाथकरघा एवं कालीन प्रशिक्षण केंद्र, केंद्रीय जेल सागर का निरीक्षण करने जा रहे हैं ... और भक्तजन रास्तो का पता करते करते गुरुदेव के संग विहार में शामिल होने लगे ...। ⛳ जेल के बाहर हजारों की संख्या में भक्तो का समूह एकत्रित हो गया और जेल के अन्दर जाने की जद्दोजहद करने लगे तब एक सज्जन ने कहा कि भाई लोगो को जेल आने के लिए इतना आतुर तो कभी नहीं देखा ... लेकिन गुरूजी नए श्रमजीवियों के ऊपर कृपा बरसाने गए है और अपना आशीष लुटाकर वापिस भाग्योदय पहुँच गए । ⛳ इसके साथ ही भक्तों के मन में सवाल जग रहे थे कि अभी तो गुरु जी के स्वास्थ्य में थोडा सुधार हुआ है और गुरूजी फिर इतना लंबा पद विहार कर गए ... लेकिन उनसे पूछे कौन ... लेकिन फिर लगा जेल में बंद नए श्रमजीवी भी तो अपने परम उपकारी गुरुदेव के दर्शन के अभिलाषी हैं तो... गुरुभक्तों की मुराद गुरूजी ही तो पूरी करेंगे ...। पावन वो धरा जहाँ ऐसे संत हो साक्षात् भगवंत सदा जयवंत हो ✍ पुष्पेन्द्र जैन नैनधरा सागर @Pushpendra Jain Naindhara
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