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मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज
  • मूकमाटी पृष्ठ 447

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    सेठ का कुछ कहना हुआ, कि

    “यदि तुम्हें

    धरा का आधार नहीं मिलता

    तुम्हारी गति कौन-सी होती!

    पाताल को भी पार कर जातीं तुम!

    धरती ने तुम्हें स्वीकारा

    छाती से चिपकाया है तुम्हें

    देवों ने तुम पर दया नहीं की,

    आकाश ने शरण नहीं दी तुम्हें,

    तुम छोटी थी तब

    गिरि की चोटी पर गिरी थी

    सब हँसे थे

    तुम रोयी थी तब!

    चोट लगी थी घनी तुम्हें,

    तरला-सरला-सी लगती थी

    गरला-कुटिला बन गई अब!

    छल ही बल बन गया है तुम्हारा,

    सरपट भाग रही है अब

    सबको लाँघती-लाँघती।

    अरी कृतघ्ने! पाप-सम्पादिके!

    और अधिक पापार्जन मत कर

    सारा संसार ही ऋणी है धरणी का

    तुम्हें भी ऋण चुकाना है

    धरणी को उर में धारण कर,

    करनी को हृदय से सुधारना है।''


    हाय रे यह दुर्भाग्य किसका!

    सेठ का या नदी का ?

    सेठ का सदाशय सफल जो नहीं हुआ

    सेठ की समालोचना से भी


    The eminent trader has his own say, that

    “ If you

    Had not obtained the base of the

    Earth What course would have been adopted by you !

    You would have crossed even the infernal regions of

    hell! The Earth owned you

    She kept you closer to her bosom

    The gods conferred no compassion upon you,

    The sky granted no shelter to you,

    You were younger then,

    You had fallen down upon the mountain-top

    Every one was laughing at you

    When you were shedding tears !

    You were severely injured,

    You appeared to be fickle, simple;

    Now you have become poisonous, serpentine !

    Only the artifice has become your strength,

    Having leapt over everyone

    You are galloping away, now.

    O Thou, the ungrateful ! O Thou, the executor of sinfulness ! Don’t indulge thyself into earning more sins. All the world, indeed, is indebted to Earth

    You, too, have to repay the debts,

    Having held the Earth within your bosom

    You have to amend, by heart, your doings.”


    Ah me! whose misfortune it is! -

    That of the eminent trader, or that of the river ?

    The good intention of the eminent trader didn't really gain ground- Even by the criticism of the trader,

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