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  • Chapter-8 - Teerthankara Parshwanath

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    Child Parshwanath was born at Banaras in 877 B.C. At the age of sixteen years one day he went outskirt of the city to play along with his companions. There he saw his maternal grand father Mahipal who had become an ascetic, the performer of five-fires penance (in which the performer sits in the heat of sun in the hot wheather) being-distressed by breavement of his wife (Parshwkumar's maternal grand mother). He was pouring woods in the fire. Parshwanath checked him and said, 'what are you doing'? one pair of serpant and female serpant is burning in this. When that burning wood was sawed then truely that pair came out in burning condition. Parshwa kumar exhorted that pair. Hearing the exhortation that pair passed away and became Dharnendra-Padmavati in the heaven. In course of time that ascetic being distressed died and became Samvar named stellar deity.


    At the age of 30 years aversion from worldly life and enjoyments grew in Parshwa kumar and leaving all his belongings & possessions, he assumed the initiation of nude Jain saint. A period of four months remained as disguised or non-omniscient period. After four months, determining meditational state for seven days he was ensconced increasing religious meditation, at that very time the celestial space-plane of the Samvar deity was passing through there. His celestial-plane stopped on its own. He knew its reason from his false clairvoyance and the enmity of the previous births began to be seen clearly, then that idiot began to cause calamity on him. Excessiveness of every action is an indicator of its end. DharnendraPadmavati came to know about this calamity through their clairvoyance then they came for the protection of their benefactor Muni Parshwanath. Lord Parshwanath remained engrossed in meditation and attained omniscience. As soon as the omniscience manifested, the calamity was removed and that Samvar deity, the soul of Kamath of previous birth begged pardon of his evil deeds and he also attained right belief. As soon as the omniscience manifested, the Samvsaran was built/created and the Lord moving many places delivered spiritual instructions. In the end when one month was left over of his age he left Samavsaran for cessation of activities of mind, speech & body, arrived Sammedshikharji and attained emancipation salvation from there only.


    1. From which heaven the child Parshwanath came ?

    He came from Pranat heaven.


    2. What was the second name of Parshwa kumar ?

    The second name of Parshwa kumar was Subhom. (Uttar Puran, 73/103)


    3. What were the names of parents of Parshwa kumar ?

    The father was Vishwasen and the mother Vamadevi.


    4. In which family succession, Parshwa kumar was born ?

    Parshwa kumar was born in Ugra Vansha.


    5. On which days of lunar months the auspicious events of Parshwanath took place ?

    1. The auspicious event of Conception - Second day of dark half of lunar month Baisakha.
    2. The auspicious event of Birth - Eleventh day of dark half of lunar month of Paus.
    3. The auspicious event of Initiation  -Eleventh day of dark half of lunar month of Paus.
    4. The auspicious event of Omniscience - 4th day of dark half of lunar month Chaitra.
    5. The auspicious event of Salvation - Seventh day of light half of the lunar month of Shravan.


    6. What were the names of the place of initiation, forest of initiation and the Initiation - tree of Parshwa kumar ?

    The name of place of initiation of Parshwa kumar was Varansi, of forest was Ashwavan/ Asvatthvan and that of the tree was Dhav/Devdaru tree.


    7. Where Muni Parshwanath took food for the first time after initiation and in whose residence ?

    Muni Parshwanath took food for first time after initiation at Gulamkhet (Dwaravati) in the palace of King Brahamdutta.


    8. Where Muni Parshwanath attained omniscience and under which tree?

    Muni Parshwanath attained omniscience in Ashwavan (Kashi) under Devdaru tree.


    9. What was the age and height of the body of Teerthankara Parshwanath ?

    The Age of Teerthankara Parshwanath was 100 years and the height 9 hands.


    10. Where Teerthankara Parshwanath attained emancipation ?

    Teerthankara Parshwanath attained emancipation from Swarnbhadra peak of Sammed Shikhar Ji.


    11. How many years Teerthankara Parshwanath exhorted spiritual instruction ?

    Teerthankara Parshwanath exhorted spiritual instructions for 69 years 7 months.


    12. Who were the chief disciple (Gandhara), chief female disciple (Ganini) and the chief listner of Teerthankara Parshwanath ?

    The chief Gandhar of Teerthankara Parshwanath was Swayambhoo, the chief Ganini Sulochna and chief listner was Mahasen.


    13. How many Muni, Aryika, Shravaka (devouts) and Shravikayen were there of Teerthankara Parshwanath ?

    There were 16000 Muni, 38000 Aryikayen, 1 lakh Shravakas and three lakh Shravikayen in theSamavsaran of Teerthankara Parshwanath.


    14. What were the names of the Yaksha-Yakshni of Teerthankara Parshwanath ?

    The Yaksha of Parshwanath was Matang and Yakshni Padmavati.


    15. What were the previous birth of Teerthankara Parshwanath and Kamath ?

    Parshwanath - The son of Vishwabhuti Brahaman Marubhuti

    Kamath - The son of Vishwabhuti and elder brother of Marubhuti.

    Parshwanath - Elephant Vajraghosha.

    Kamath - The Kukkut named snake.

    Parshwanath - Deity in Sahasrar named 12th heaven.

    Kamath - Dhumra Prabha named hell.

    Parshwanath - Agniveg Vidyadhar.

    Kamath - Python.

    Parshwanath - Deity in Achyut named 16th heaven.

    Kamath -  Sixth hell.

    Parshwanath - Vajranabhi Chakravarti.

    Kamath - Kuranga named Bheel, a tribal person

    Parshwanath - Ahmindra in middle Graiveyaka.

    Kamath - Seventh hell.

    Parshwanath - King Anand.

    Kamath - Lion.

    Parshwanath - Indra in the Pranat named 13th heaven.

    Kamath -  Fifth hell.

    Parshwanath - Teerthankara Parshwanath.

    Kamath - The King Mahipal and Samvar

    named stellar deity.

    [Parshwanath Charit: Acharya Sakalkirti]


    16. How many years the discipline period of Teerthankara Parshwanath remained in vogue ?

    The discipline periods of Teerthankara Parshwanath continued for 278 years. [T.P., 4/1285]


    17. How many times the soul of Kamath bereaved the life of Parshwanath ?

    The soul of Kamath bereaved the life of Parshwanath five times.

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