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मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज
  • Chapter-7 - Teerthankara Rishabhdeva

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    The 'Bhogbhumi (land of enjoyments) was concluding and the beginning of Karambhumi was taking place. At that very time the baby Rishabh was born in Ayodhya. His father was King Nabhirai and the mother was Queen Marudevi. Earlier the material of enjoyment used to be provided by Kalpavraksha. The Kalpavraksha stopped giving material of enjoyments as soon as the Karambhumi (land of action) began due to which people began to call repeatedly for help, for mercy and protection. All human being approached King Nabhirai for solving this problem. The King Nabhirai told that this problem will be solved by Prince Rishabhdeva. Seeing grieved people, Prince Rishabhdeva instructed them to adopt six occupations for earning livelihood.

    1. Asi - Sword (Defence services) - 'Asi' means sword. Who protect and defend the country taking sword (arms) standing on the boundry such soldiers and also sepoy and Gorkha etc. who are appointed to protect the city, are said to earn their living by 'Asi'.

    2. Masi - Book-keepers in private establishment and in government departments Accountants, Chartered Accountants and Bank-cashiers, etc.

    3. Krishi - Agriculture - Non-violent agriculture / cultivation, farming.

    4. Vidya - Learning - Practising 72 arts / skills or working as I.A.S., I. P.S. imparting education as Lecturer, Professors, etc.

    5. Shilpa - Handicraft - Goldsmith, potter, painter, craftsman, tailor, hair-cutter, cook, etc.

    6. Vanijya - Trade - Genuine and non-violent trade, industrial activities.


    From these instructions people felt at ease and they began to lead their life according to these instructions which is still continuing in the same form. After some time Prince Rishabhdeva was married to two girls named Nanda & Sunanda. The father performed the coronation of the Prince seing the right time. King Rishbhdeva had 101 sons and 2 daughters. King Rishbhdeva imparted knowledge of alphabets & numbers to both of his daughters. He taught knowlege of alphabet to Brahmi and of number/ figure to Sundari which is still in vogue.


    Once King Rishbhdeva was watching dance of a celestial damsel Neelanjana. Suddenly she collapsed and died. The Indra immediately arranged for the second damsel but King Rishbhdeva came to know through his clairvoyance that the first damsel had died and the Indra by trickery had replaced her by a second damsel. Knowing passing away of the celestial damsel, a feeling of aversion from worldly enjoyments awakened in him and entrusting the kingdom & throne to Bharat-Bahubali took initiation of nude Jain saint. He observed fast for six months. When he moved for taking food-intake then not any Shravak knew nine types of devotions (Navdha Bhakti) related to offering food to Jain saints.


    Therefore, again he had to observe fast for 7 months 9 days. While moving, one day he reached Hastinapur. As soon as the King Shreyansh had a glance at Rishbhdeva the recollection of the memory of his past births strucked his mind that he had offered food to a Muniraj endowed with the supernatural power of moving in the sky in the past 8th birth, with nine types of devotions and only due to lack of this nine types of devotion, Muniraj Rishbhdeva is not getting food. Then what matter, when Muni Rishabhdeva moved for taking food then King Som & King Shreyansh offered food first time to the first Teerthankara after so many fasts (with Navdha Bhakti) on the third day of the night half of the lunar month Baishakh from then only the festival of 'Akshaya Tirtiya'is in vogue.


    After observing penance for one thousand years Muni Rishabhdeva attained omniscience and delivered religious discourses in the form of resonant preaching/Omkar sound in the Samavsaran. In the course of time, when 14 days remained in balance of his age he, leaving the Samavsaran went to Kailash mountain, there he obseved Yog nirodha ,(i.e. ceased all activities of mind, speech and body) and attained final emancipation ,i.e. salvation on the 14th day of the dark fortnight of lunar month of Magha.


    1. Where from baby Rishabhdeva had come ?

    The baby Rishabhdeva had come from Sarvarthsiddhi celestial space plane.


    2. Tell prevalent names of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva ?

    Shri Adinath, Shri Vrashabhnath, Shri Purudeva, Shri Adi Brahma, Shri Prajapati, etc.


    3. Where Rishabhdeva was born and what was the second name of that place ?

    Child Rishabhdeva was born in Ayodhya and its second name was Vineeta.


    4. After how many days Muni Rishabhdeva got food after Muni-initiation ?

    After initiation Muni Rishabhdeva got food after 1 year 39 days.


    5. What were the names of the Yaksha-Yakshni of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva ?

    The Name of the Yaksha was Gaumukh and of Yakshni was Chakreshwari.


    6. Which son of king Rishabhdeva first of all attained salvation ?

    First of all son Anantvirya or Bahubali of Rishabhdeva attained salvation (There are two opinion regarding this).


    7. From when the country Bharat is named as Bharat Varsha ?

    This region is named as Bharat Varsha from beginningless time.


    8. Who was the first expositor of female education ?

    King Rishabhdeva was the first expositor of women education.


    9. On which days of lunar months five auspicious events of Rishabhdeva took place ?

    1. The auspicious event of Conception - Second day of Dark half of the lunar month Asar.
    2. The auspicious event of Birth - Ninth day of the Dark half of the lunar month Chaitra.

    3. The auspicious event of Initiation - Ninth day of the Dark half of the lunar month Chaitra.

    4. The auspicious event of Omniscience - Eleventh day of the Dark half of the lunar month Falguna.

    5. The auspicious event of Salvation - 14th day of the Dark half of the lunar month Magh.


    10. What arrangment/ division of society in classes Rishabhdeva had instructed ?

    King Rishabhdeva had arranged the society in three classes - Kshatriya, Vaishya (trading class) and Sudra (working/serving class).


    11. What are the names of the place of Initiation, Initiation forest & Initiation tree of the king Rishabhdeva ?

    The place of Initiation is Prayag, the Initiation forest is Siddharthaka Van and the Initia tion tree is Banyan tree.


    12. Who were the chief disciple (Gandhara), chief female disciple (Ganini) and chief Listner of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva ?

    The chief Gandhara was Rishabhsen, the chief Ganini was Brahmi and the chief Listner was Bharat.


    13. How many years of the discipline period (governing era) of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva remained / existed ?

    The discipline period of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva existed for 50 lakh crore sagar+1 Purvang. (T.P., 4/1261)


    14. Where Muni Rishabhdeva attained omniscience and under which tree ?

    Muni Rishabhdeva attained omniscience in Shaktavan (Purimtalpur) and under Banyan tree.


    15. How many Gandharas were there of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva ?

    There were 84 Ghandhara of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva.


    16. How many Muni, Arikayen, Shravaka (male devouts) and Shravikayen (female devouts) were there in the Samavsaran of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva ?

    There were 84,000 Muni, 3,50,000 Arikayen, 3 lakhs Shravaka and 5 lakhs Shravikayen in the Samavsaran of Rishabhdeva.


    17. When Teerthankara Rishabhdeva bounded the karmic nature of Teerthankara and in whose foot-proximity ?

    When Rishabhdeva was in the mode of Vajranabhi Chakravarti in his past third birth, then he, renouncing all his belongings, took initiation of Jain nude saint in the Samavsaran of Teerthankara Vajrasen who was his father. At that very time he bonded the karmic nature of Teerthankara.


    18. What was the age & height of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva ?

    The age of Teerthankara Rishabhdeva was 84 Lakh Purva and height of the body was 500 Dhanusha.

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