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मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज
  • Chapter-19 - Celestial Body-form

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    1. Who are called celestial beings ?

    1. Internal reason - Those who are endowed with several luxuries (grandeur), splendour and extraordinary power on the rise of celestial body-form 'Name Karma' leading to the celestial state and roam freely and make merry in several places of the terrestrial world, the island and oceans, as per their own will, are called celestial beings.
    2. Who always remain making merriment being endowed with divine disposition of Anima, etc.,supernatural powers and whose divine body is bright, they are called celestial beings.
    3. "Divyanti Kreedanteeti Devah". (Sarvarthsiddhi, 4/1/443)


    2. What is celestial body-form ?

    Because of which 'Karma' the soul gets celestial disposition, is called celestial body-form.


    3. How many kinds of celestial beings are there ?

    Celestial beings are of four kinds - 'Bhavanvasi Deva',(i.e. Residential celestial beings), 'Vyantara',(i.e. peripatetic celestial beings), 'Jyotisi Deva' (stellar or astral celestial beings) and 'Vaimanika Deva' (Heavenly celestial deities).


    4. What are the distinguishing features of celestial beings ?

    1. Although the celestial beings take food (nectar) but they do not defecate excrement and urine and are free from sweat and all the seven elements (primary substance blood, meat, etc.) in the body.
    2. Neither there is hair on their body nor any Nigodia Jeeva' (lowest form of life) and their body remains transformable.
    3. The shadow of celestial beings does not reflect and their eyes do not nap.
    4. They have only Samchaturasra Samsthan ,(i.e. formation of balanced and properly proportionate body) but have no Samhanana ,(i.e. strength of bodily structure/skeleton).
    5. Celestial beings do not die untimely death.
    6. Celestial beings take birth on Uppada Shaiya ,(i.e. place of instantaneous birth of celestial beings) and within Antarmuhurta they become like sixteen years youth by completing all the six Paryapties ,(i.e., their soul gains the capacity to develop fully the characteristics of the body) and they never become old. (Triloksar, 550)
    7. Right believers celestial beings perform anoinment and worship the idol of Lord Jinendra daily and celestial beings of false belief also perform anointment and worship, being advised by senior celestial beings, regarding the idol of Jinendra Deva as their family god. (Triloksar, 551-553)
    8. One 'Deva' has at least 32 female-deities.
    9. All the four groups of celestial beings come in Panch Kalyanaka of Teerthankararas but Ahmindras residing above the sixteenth heaven, pay their obeisance from that very place, (i.e., they do not come to attend Panch Kalyanaka) and Laukantik Deva of the fifth heaven come only on the occasion of Deeksha Kalyanak to applause the aversion of 'Ascetic-Teerthankara' from worldly life. (Triloksar, 554)

    10. Celestial beings do not fall ill.

    11. There are two genders of celestial beings male & female.

    12. The entire material of enjoyments is made available to celestial beings as soon as they think of them.


    5. What kind of look (appearance) would have been of celestial beings without nails and hair ?

    There are no nails and hair on the body of celestial beings, nevertheless their appearance does not remain hideous, fearsome or disgust - producing yet the shape of nails and hair remains on the body of celestial beings just like the appearance of nails and hair on the idol made of gold or stone.


    6. Describe the nature of eight attributes (Riddhi, i.e. supernatural powers or miraculous powers) of celestial beings ?

    Following are the eight supernatural powers -

    1. Anima - The power of making the body equal to an atom / particle by which he can pass through the hole of a needle.
    2. Mahima - It is the power of making the body larger like the 'Sumeru mountain'.
    3. Laghima - Making the body so light that if his feet is put on the spider's web even then it would not break.
    4. Garima - Power to make the body heavier than the Sumeru mountain which can not be lifted even by thousands of persons joining together.
    5. Prapti - Power to touch distantly placed objects sitting at one place such as to touch the top of 'Shikarjee' just sitting here.
    6. Prakaamya - Moving on water as if it were earth and vice-versa.
    7. Isitva - The power of sovereignty over all.
    8. Kamrupitva - Power to transform into many forms simultaneously. 

    (Kartikeyanupreksha, commentary, 370)


    7. Who are called 'Bhavanvasi Deva' (Residential celestial beings) ?

    Devas living in residential places, are called Bhavanvasi Deva.


    8. Why the word 'Kumar' is added in the names of 'Bhavanvasi deities?

    Because their dress, weapon, vehicle (means of conveyance) and manner of playing remain like 'Kumar',(i.e. youth) therefore, the word 'Kumar' has been added in their names.

    (Sarvarthsiddhi, 4/12/461)

    9. What are the kinds of Bhavanvasi deities and which is the mark on their crown, how much gap in taking food as well as gap in respiration, their height of the body and how much is their age ?

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    Note : Deities of 1 palya age take food and respire in an interval of 5 days & five Muhurta respectively and the deities of 10,000 years of age take food and respire in an interval of 2days. Seven respirations of here is equal to one respiration there.


    10. Who are called 'Vyantara Deva' (peripatetic celestial-beings) ?

    "Viyantaras roam freely here & there-everywhere'. Who used to roam on mountain, in caves, on island, in sea, village, city, temple ,etc. are called Vyantra(Jain Tattva Vidya, P-194)


    11. How many kinds of residential places are there of 'Vyantra' celestial beings ?

    Mansion - situated below the 'Chitra-earth'.

    Bhavanpur - on the continent and oceans.

    Residence - on the ponds, trees, mountain, etc. (Triloksar, ballad 295)


    12. How many kinds of Vyantara deities are there and how much is the gap between their taking food as well as in respiration and how much is their age and height of the body ?

    Vyantaras are of eight types, viz. Kinnar, Kimpurusha, Mahorag, Gandharva, Yaksha, Rakshasa, Bhoot, Pisacha (T. P., 6/25). Maximum age of Vyantara deities is some moreone Palya and the minimum age is 10,000 years (T. P., 6/83) the height of the body is 10 Dhanusha (T. P., 6/98). The gap in taking food by deities of 1 Palya age is 5 days and the gap in respiration is 5 Muhurta (T. P., 6/88-89), the gap in taking food of the deities of 10,000 years of age is 2 days and gap in respiration is 7 respirations.


    13. Who are called 'Jyotishi' (stellar/astral) celestial being ?

    Sun, Moon, Planet, Nakshatra and stars. These five kinds of astral deities are starry therefore, the name of Jyotisi' of these beings is meaningful.


    14. How much height and age is there of stellar deities and what is the gap of their taking food and respiration ?

    The maximum age of the Moon is 1 Palya plus 1 lakh years and of the Sun is 1000 years more 1 Palya; of the Venus is 100 years more 1 Palya; of the Jupiter 1 Palya and of the remaining planets and asterisms is '/, Palya and of the stars is ', Palya - minimum age of stars and astersisms is 1/8 Palya and that of the Sun, Moon, Soma, Mars, Mercury, Jupitar, Venus and Saturn is 1/4 Palya and the height of all of them is 7 Dhanushas and the gap of their taking food and respiration is similar to Bhavanvasi deities (Rajvartika, 4/40-41). Distinctive description of stellar deities is given in the chapter Jain Geography'.


    15. What are the reasons of taking birth in 'Bhavantrika', (i.e. three types of deities -Vayantara, Jyotisha, Bhavanvasi)?

    The first three of the group of celestial beings are called 'Bhavantrika'. Following are the reasons of taking birth in them. Conduct contrary to Jain religion, performing penance with the desire for enjoyments in the next birth, death in fire, water,etc., involuntary dissociation of Karma (Akam Nirjara), austerity related to five types of fire (Panchagni Tapa), and living beings of guilty (defective) conduct take birth in 'Bhavantrika'. (Triloksar, ballad 450)


    16. Who are called 'Vaimanika Deva'?

    1. 'Vigtah manah iti Vimanah', i.e. who have less pride are Vaimanika because Vayantara etc. have excessive pride and the pride is found less in the deities of above rank by due stages, therefore deities having less pride are Vaimanika.
    2. 'Vimanesu bhava Vaimanikah' ,i.e. those who live in Viman (aerial vehicle of the gods) are Vaimanika.


    17. How many kinds are there of 'Vaimanika' Devas ? And what are they?

    There are two kinds of Vaimanika deities - 'Kalpoppanna' and 'Kalpatit', where there is imagination of ten types of deities - Indra, Samanika ,etc. those sixteen heavens are called kalpa. Deities residing here are called 'Kalpoppanna Deva' and who reside above these16 heavens, where there is no imagination of Indra ,etc., ten types of deities, are called Kalpatita deities residing in 'Navgraieveyaka', 'Navdisha' and 'five Anuttra', are called 'Kalpatita Deva'.


    18. What is the height and age of Kalpa deities ?

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    19. What is the age and height of Kalpatit deities?

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    20. What is the meaning "some more Age" and up to which heaven it applies ?

    Some living being bonded the age of celestial being of upper heavens in the state of restraint, afterwards dishonoured the restraint due to agonizing thought activities and then striking the bonded age takes birth in lower heavens or in Bhawantriks that is called Ghatyuska, i.e. who are born in lower heavens due to degradation. Ghatyuska right-believers get more age of 1/2 Sagar less by Antarmuhurta than the age of the deities of their respective heavens, and if he becomes false-believer then he will get inneumerableth part of a Palya more age than the age of the respective heaven. Ghatyuska are born up to 12th heaven. (distinctive meaning - Shri Dhavla, book 4/96/385)


    21. When the 'taking of food and breathing takes place in 'Kalpvasi' and 'Kalpatita' deities ?

    It depends on the duration of life of individual deity. As many 'Sagars' of age a deity is (duration of life) he takes food after so many thousand years and takes breath after so many halves of a lunar month (15 days), for instance, a deity whose duration of life is 7 'Sagars' he takes food after 7000 years and take breath after 7 halves of a lunar month ,i.e. 3.5 months. (Triloksar, 544)


    22. What kinds of food the deities take ?

    Deities take mental food, i.e. when they desire of taking food immediately at that very time nectar tricles in their throat on its own and they feel satisfaction (satiety). (T. P., 6/87)


    23. What are distinctive kinds in all the four types ofcelestial beings ?

    Following are the ten kinds of the four types of celestial beings -

    1. Indra - Who are endowed with better qualities of Anima, Mahima, etc. Riddhies which are not found in other deities along with grandeur, majesty and whose orders are obeyed (carried out) are called 'Indra'.
    2. Samanika - Who are endowed with same qualities as that of 'Indra' as regards place, age, strength, sensual enjoyment and enjoyments of non-consumable things, etc. except majesty and dominion, are called 'Samanika'. They are like Father, Guru and Upadhaya.
    3. Traistrinsa - Who give assent and advice to the Indra like minister and priest. These are only 33 in number in the Assembly that is why they are called 'Traistriinsa'.
    4. Parishada - Those who remain as affectionate person and friends in the Assembly are called 'Parishada'.
    5. Atmraksha - Who are like body-guard, are called 'Atmraksha'.
    6. Lokpal - Those who are like Chief Police Officer, are called 'Lokpal'.
    7. Anika - Just as the army is here similarly, the army of deities of seven kinds, viz. - foot soldier, horse, ox, chariot, elephant, minstral or musician, female-dancer, are called 'Anika'.
    8. Prakirnaka - Those who are like subjects residing in villages and cities, are called 'Prakirnaka'.
    9. Abhiyoga - Those who are engaged in works like slave, vehicles (elephant, horse), etc., are called 'Abhiyoga'.
    10. Kilvishika - Who can not enter the Assembly of Indra and sit outside the door, are called 'Kilvishika'. (Sarvarthsiddhi, 4/4/449)

    Note - There is no provision of 'Traistrinsha' and 'Lokpal' in 'Viyantra' and 'Jyotishis'.


    24. What is the maximum age of female deities ?

    The maximum age of female deities in 16 heavens is respectively - 5,7,9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 34, 41, 48 and 55 Palyas. In the first heaven the maximum age is 5 Palya, then two Palyas are to be increased each up to 12th heaven and afterwards 7 Palyas each is to be increasd. (Triloksar, 542)


    25. What is the minimum age of female deities?

    The minimum age of female deities of Saudharma & Aisan heaven is some more 1Palya, of remaining heavens the maximum age of female deitie is the minimum age of onward female deities, for example the maximum age of female-deities of Saudharma-Aisan heaven is 7 Palya, the same is the minimum age of female deities of the Sanatkumar heaven. (T.sar, 542)


    26. Up to what heaven female deities take birth ?

    Female deities take birth only up to second heaven. They also live there and the appointed male deities / authorized deities (Niyogi) of other heavens take their female deities with them to their respective heavens recognizing them with the mark of identification by their clairvoyance knowledge. Female deities born in the first heaven go up to 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th & 15th heaven and the female deities born in the second heaven go up to 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th heaven. (Triloksar, 524-525)


    27. How many 'Indras' are there in sixteen heaven?

    Ans. There are 12 Indras (in sixteen heavens)

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    28. Who are those celestial beings who will take only one birth and will get salvation (final emancipation)?
    Saudharma Indra, Sachi (female deity of Saudharma deva), Soma ,etc. four Lokpal of Saudharma Indra (Soma, Yama, Varuna and Dhanada (Kuber)) of all the four directions respectively in sequence). Sanatkumar etc. Southern Indra, Laukantika Deva and deities of Sarvarthsiddhi Vimana are among deities who will take only one birth and will get salvation. (Triloksar, 548)


    29. Who are 'Laukantika Deva' and where they live ?

    The one who live at the end of the fifth 'Brihmlok' heaven ,are 'Laukantika Deva'. Their world remains only of one birth. The end of their world has come (arrived) hence they are called Laukantika Deva. They are free from sensual enjoyments therefore, they are also called 'Devarishi'. They are readers of twelve parts of scriptural knowledge. They come only in 'Tapa Kalyanaka' of 'Teerthankar' to applause their abstinence (aversion from worldly attachments). They possess 'Shukla Leshya'. Their minimum and maximum dura tion of life is eight Sagar. (Sarvarthsiddhi, 4/24-25, 42/489, 491, 525)


    30. What are the kinds of 'Laukantika Deva'?

    Eight kinds - Saraswata, Aditya, Vanhi, Arun, Gardtoi, Tushit, Avyabadh and Arishta.


    31. Who becomes (take birth) as 'Laukantika Deva'?

    Muni of right-faith take birth as 'Laukantika Deva' by contemplating constantly 'Barah Bhavna' (12 reflections) and the human being can also attain the position of Indra or Laukantika Deva. (D.S. Teeka, 38, U.P. 67/201-207)


    32. Of which heaven the deities can take birth in that very heaven after how much time after death ?

    Heaven - Gap time

    Bhavantrik - Antarmuhurta

    Saudharma - Aisana - Antarmuhurta

    Sanatkumar - Mahendra - 3 to 9 Muhurta (Muhurta Prathakatva)

    Brahma - Brahmottara - 3 to 9 days (Day Prathakatva)

    Lantav - Kapist - 3 to 9 days (Day Prathakatva)

    Shukra - Mahashukra - 3 to 9 fortnights (Fortnight Prathakatva)

    Shatar - Sahasrar - 3 to 9 fortnights (Fortnight Prathakatva)

    Aanat - Praanat - 3 to 9 months (Month Prathakatva)

    Aaran - Achyuta - 3 to 9 months (Month Prathakatva)

    Navgraiveyaka - From 8 years and Antarmuhurta to 9 yrs. (Year Prathakatva)

    Nav Anudish - From 8 years and Antarmuhurta to 9 yrs. (Year Prathakatva)

    In four Anuttar - From 8 years and Antarmuhurta to 9 yrs. (Year Prathakatva)


    Special feature : Prathaktva means number between 3 to 9, but with reference to Nine Graiveyaka, Nine Anudish, Four Anuttar celestial planes Varsha Prathaktva will have to be taken from eight years and Antarmuhurta to 9 years because only ascetic (Muni) go to the Kalpatit celestial planes and nobody can become ascetic (Muni) before the age of eight years and Antarmuhurta.


    33. What are the reasons of taking birth in 'Vaimanika Deva'?

    Birth takes place in 'Vaimanika Deva' due to right belief, minor vows like to desist from macro violence, falsity ,etc., major vows like complete non-violence, truth, etc. One takes birth in 'Vaimanika Deva' by observing (performing) many kinds of penances. A being having yellow (Peet) 'Padam' and 'Shukla' Leshya (passion-stained souls activity) and of mild passion also take birth in 'Vaimanika Deva'.


    34. Whether there is great love and affections among all 'Devas'

    Although most of deities have mutual affectionate feelings owing to their Shukla Leshya' (pure passion-stained activity) but some deities are of envious and malicious nature for example 'Chamrendra' (Indra in Asurkumar deities) is jealous of 'Saudharma Indra', similarly 'Vairochan' (second Indra in Asurkumar) with 'Aisan Indra', 'Bhootanand' (Indra in Nagkumar) with 'Venu' (Indra in Suparnakumar) and 'Dharnanand' (second Indra in Nagkumar) with 'Venudhari' have, as a rule natural jealousy. (Triloksar, ballad 212)


    35. How much power remains in celestial beings ?

    A celestial being of one 'Palyopam' innumerable number of years) age (duration of life) is capable of rooting out all the six regions of the earth and killing all the human and animals living there or of protecting them. A deity of Sagropam age can overturn the Jamboodvipa and can kill or protect human beings and 'Trianchas' living there. Saudharma Indra can transpose (turn back) the Jamboodvipa. (T. P., 8/720-721)


    36. What is the range of clairvoyance of celestial beings ?


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    All celestial beings know up to flag staff of their respective celestial planes and up to innumerable Kora-Kori yojan in oblique form.


    37. Describe the griefs of the celestial body-form?

    Although celestial beings have no bodily pain but mental griefs are abundant. Even in the presence of bodily pleasure if there is mental agony then all the collected materials of consumable and non-consumable sensual enjoyments become tasteless. Celestial beings feel jealousy seeing the grandeur of other celestial beings of higher status. When some near and dear one is discharged from the heaven having completed his duration of life then 'Deva' and female deity also endure the grief of their separation and when before six months of their death their garland gets faded, they (celestial beings - male or female as the case may be) bear the grief of leaving the heaven. There are no griefs generated from censure or blame in celestial beings because there are no censure like guilts at all in heavens. (Kartikeyanupreksha, 58-61)


    38. How many Gunasthanas are there in celestial body-form?

    1 to 4 Gunasthan exist in the celestial body-form. 39. Which are 100 Indras ?


    भवणालय चालीसा विंतर देवाण हॉति बत्तीसा ।

    कप्पामर चउबीसा चन्दो सूरो णरो तिरियो ।।

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