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मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज
  • Chapter-50 - Gati-Agati (Taking birth and hailing from)

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    1. What is Gati-Agati ?

    Gati means to go ,i.e. after death in which body-form (Gati) the Jeevas take birth. Agati means to come ,i.e. from which body-form the Jeeva hails in this body-form after death.


    2. In how many body-form Jeevas take birth after death from the hell and from how many body-forms the Jeeva hail from in the hell after death?

    The Jeevas take birth in human & Tiryancha body-form after death from hellish-body - form, such Tiryanchas take birth only as uterine-born five-sensed animals and complete all the Paryapties.

    Specific mention - The Jeevas coming from the seventh earth become only Tiryanchas but they can not attain right belief in their life. However, the Jeevas coming from sixth earth become human beings or Tiryanchas and they can attain right belief as well as assume partial vows but the human beings can not assume great vows . Jeevas coming from the fifth earth become human beings or Tiryancha. The Tiryancha can also assume partial vow and the human beings can assume partial and great vow but they can not attain salvation. Jeevas coming from the fourth earth become human beings or Tiryanchas. The Tiryancha can also assume partial vow and human beings assuming great vow can also attain salvation but can not become Teerthankara. Jeevas coming from 2nd, 3rd and 1st earth become human-beings and Tiryanchas. The Tiryanchas can also assume partial vow and human beings can also become Teerthankara. (Rajvartika, 3/6/7)

    Only the human beings and animals can take birth as hellish being but out of them the nonrational beings (Asamjni) five-sensed beings without mind can not go beyond the first earth, Sarisarpa (reptiles), iguana beyond the third earth, the snake serpent beyond the fourth earth and the lion beyond the fifth earth. Women can not go beyond the sixth earth and the men and Tandul Matsya can go up to seventh earth. (Triloksar, 205)


    3. In how many body-forms, the Jeevas take birth after death from the Tiryanchabody-form and from how many body-forms the Jeevas come in after death in Tiryancha-body-form after death ?

    The Jeevas go in all the body-forms after death from Tiryancha Gati but can not go beyond sixteenth heaven in the celestial body-form (Karam Kand, 541).

    Irrational beings (Asamjni) five-sensed, after death also take birth in all the four body-forms but can not go beyond the first earth and among the celestial body-form, take birth in Bhavanvasi & Vyantara and according to Tiloyapannatti, Triloksar go in Bhavantrika, not in Kalpavasi. One sensed and deficient-sensed (of two to four sensed) take birth in human or Tiryancha body-form but the fire-bodied and air-bodied become only Tiryancha. The beings who take birth in Tiryancha Gati, come from all the four body-forms but the celestial beings up to twelfth heaven take birth in Tiryancha, not beyond that. Only human and Tiryancha take birth as irrational-being and in deficient-sensed. In one sensed, Jeevas come from human, Tiryancha and celestial body form but come only celestial beings up to second heaven, not beyond that and fire-bodied and air-bodied of one-sensed come from Tiryancha & human body-form.


    4. In how many body-forms the Jeevas take birth after death from human-body-form and from how many body-forms they come in human body-form?

    The human beings take birth in all the four body-forms after death and also in the fifth bodyform i.e. also in the Siddha Gati (salvation). Shravakas can not go beyond sixteenth heaven. Dravyalingi Muni, (i.e. having only physical sign of the saint) can go up to Navgraiveyika and the Bhavling Muni (An absolute saint with perfect conduct) can go from 1st heaven up to Sarvartha siddhi Viman (one of the five Anuttar space-craft). Gunasthans of Dravyalingi Muni are from 1st to 5th and that of Bhavlingi from 6th to 12th but the death does not take place in the 12th Gunasthan.

    In human-body-form the Jeevas come from all the four body-forms but the Jeevas coming from the seventh earth do not become human-beings and the fire-bodied and air-bodied also do not become human beings after death.


    5. In how many body-forms the Jeevas take birth after death from celestial body-form and from how many body-forms they come in celestial body-form ?

    Jeevas take birth in human & Tiryanchas body-form after death from celestial body-form. The celestial beings up to second heaven also become one-sensed but only earth-bodied, water-bodied and vegetable-bodied not fire-bodied, air-bodied. The celestial beings up to 12th heaven also become Tiryancha but beyond that they take birth only in human-bodyform. The celestial being up to Navgraiveyika also become woman and neuter beyond that they become only of male gender. (Karam Kand, 542-543)

    Note - The celestial beings do not become Vikal Chatushka ,i.e. deficient beings) Jeevas take birth in celestial body-form from human & Tiryancha body-form. Tiryancha come up to 16th heaven. but Asmjni five-sensed take birth up to Bhavantrika not beyond that. Human beings take birth up to Sarvartha Siddhi.


    6. In how many body-forms the human beings and Tiryanchas of Bhogbhumi (pleasure land) take birth after death and from which of the body-forms the human beings and Tiryanchas take birth after death in Bhogbhumi?

    The human beings and Tiryanchas of Bhogbhumi take birth only in celestial body-form after death but false-believers and Sasadan right believers (falling from right faith towards wrong belief ,i.e. mid-way) go / take birth only in Bhavantrika and Avirat right believers (vowless right believers) take birth in first and second heaven.

    Only human beings and Tiryanchas of Karamabhumi (Action-land) take birth in Bhogbhumi as human beings and Tiryanchas.


    7. Which Tiryanchas of the Karambhumi take birth in Bhogbhumi as human beings & Tiryanchas ?

    Only the Samjni Tiryanchas, i.e. rational five-sensed beings with mind take birth in Bhogbhumi as human beings and Tiryanchas.


    8. In how many body-forms the great personage take birth after death and Jeevas of how many body-forms take birth as great personage?

    ch-50   8.PNG


    9. Up to which heaven the non-Jain saints take birth ?

    ch 50 9.PNG

    Charak - Whose characteristic is nakedness, are called Charak.

    Parivrajaka - Eka Dandi (a group of ascetics which are called Hansha), Tri Dandi (ascetics carrying three staves and having control of thought, speech and action), are called Parivrajaka. Who wear clothes of ruddlish colour.

    Ajeevaka - Who take food of Kanji. Kanji means rice-water made sour and remain naked. (Triloksar, special meaning of 547)

    Taapas - Austere who perform Panchagni tapa ,(i.e. observer of austerity sitting near fire kunds (fire-pot) and fire all around him), are called Taapas.


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