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वतन की उड़ान: इतिहास से सीखेंगे, भविष्य संवारेंगे - ओपन बुक प्रतियोगिता ×
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  • Chapter-40 - Sallekhna (Holy Death)

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    Jinsaraswati English FINAL-195.jpg

    1. What is Sallekhna ?

    Sallekhana is making the physical body and passions emaciated well, i.e. emaciating well the physical body and internal passions by reducing gradually the causes (sources) that nourish them more and more, is Sallekhna. (S.S., 7/22/705)


    2. What is the necessity of Sallekhna ?

    No body wishes death. The Prime Minister also wishes that his seat may remain safe for the full tenure of his office, (i.e. for five years), the Chief Minister also wishes the same. A merchant also wishes that his shop may not come to an end, i.e. it should go on well. A Government servant or of a private company also wishes that he may continue in service till his superannuation at the age of 60 years. In the same way, an abstemious also desires that his tri-jewels/Gems-trio (right faith, right knowledge and right conduct) should remain safe but at the same time, he wishes his body to be with him. Now the body requires him to hospitalize it but the abstemious tells the body that if it does not want to remain close associate of him, well, it may do so but he (the abstemious) can't hospitalize it even at the cost of his life. The body stops assisting him then the abstemious also stops feeding it, i.e. starts emaciating the body and passions. Thus not abandoning Gem's-trio, he takes leave of this world.


    3. What are the reasons due to which Sallekhna is adopted ?

    Acharya Samnt Bhadra swami has mentioned follwing causes for assuming Sallekhna :


    उपसर्गे दुर्भिक्षे जरसि रुजायां च नि:प्रतीकारे ।

    Ethfa afaulen4e: H aarref: 1112211


    "When no cure of calamity is to be find,

    Or famine, disease, old age perturb the mind.

    When death is sure, then to protect the religion,

    Adopting holy death is the right decision."


    Meaning - Sallekhna (holy death) is adopted at the time of irretrievable calamity, at the time of famine, old age, on occurrence ofany incurable disease, with a view to protect the religion.


    (1) 'Upsarga'- Calamity befallen, no possibility of survival, then abandoned all four types of food, like 'Muni Sukausala', 'Muni Sukmal', etc. did. There is also one short 'Pratyakhyana' (determination to abandon). Any calamity befallen then abandoned all the four kinds of food till it is averted, as did Akampanacharya ,etc. 700 Monks.

    (2) 'Durbhiksha' (famine) - When no food stuff is available in the time of famine even for Shravakas, then how they would give to the saints ? When there was famine in northern area, the congregation of 12000 Muni left for south. They continued the existence of their vows there, but those who remained here should have adopted 'Sallekhna'but they didn't. Then what happened? One Ardha Phalak Sangh came into being which in the course of time merged in the Swetamber Sangh.

    (3) Jarasi (i.e. old age) - The body gone weak in the old age. When the eyes are unable to see and one is unable to walk and also is not able to stand. When such kind near to death situation arises, one should adopt Sallekhna.

    (4) On the event of incurable disease - When any one is suffering from incurable disease which can not be cured at any cost, he must adopt Sallekhna.


    4. What is the procedure of adopting Sallekhna ?

    One who adopts Sallekhna is called Kshapaka. That Kshapaka abandoning all attachment, aversion, infatuation and possessions (belongings), should beg pardon from all his kith and kins, relations using sweet words and should also forgive all. He should renounce all the five sins for lifelong regretting his acts of sins committed in the whole of his previous life. Renouncing sorrow, fear, sadness ,etc., should relish (listen to) the nectar of scriptural knowledge. Thus emaciating gradually the passions should, for emaciating his body, abandon, first of all, his most favoured (desired) juice and dishes, then abandoning heavy foods and solid grains, should increase taking drinkables, then abandoning them should take buttermilk and hot water, continuing so, should abandon even the water and should observe fast and reciting Panch Namaskar Mantra and counting silently the beads of rosary with meditation, should leave the body, i.e. court the death.


    5. Through how many ways the body is left ?

    The body is left in the following three ways -

    Chyuta (expired body) - the body which is left without any cause on completing/ enjoying the complete age, is called Chyuta.

    Chyavita (cast-off body) - The body which is left before completing the full age due to causes of untimely death like poisoning, stroke of weapon, obstruction in breathing, etc. without procedure of holy death, is Chyavita.

    Tyakta (The body left with renouncement) - The body which is left without untimely death or causes of untimely death but by adopting Sallekhna, is Tyakta, (i.e. holy death of an ascetic). (Karam kand, 56, 58)


    6. Of how many kinds, the 'Sanyas Maran' is ?

    The Sanyas Maran is of three types -

    1. Bhakta Pratyankhyan Maran, (i.e. gradual renunciation food for holy death (Sanyas Maran)) - In this, the Sallekhna is performed by renouncing food with self-service and accepting service (Vaiyavratti) by others.


    2. Ingni Maran ,(i.e. holy death forbidding other's services) - The Sallekhna in which other's service is not accepted but liberty for self-service is allowed.


    3. Prayoga Maran, (i.e. holy death by no service at all) - The Sallekhna in which there is no acceptance of service by self as well as by others. In whatever posture he remains while adopting Sallekhna, he remains in it up to the end. (Karam Kand, 60-61)

    Note: The Ingni Maran and Prayoga Maran can not be adopted by adepts of low Samhanan (strength of bodily structure or skeleton), hence, in this fifth time-period only Bhakta Pratyakhyan Maran is taken/ adopted.


    7. Which are the five kinds of death ?

    'Bal-Bal maran', 'Bal maran', 'Bal Pandit maran', 'Pandit maran', 'Pandit-Pandit maran'.

    1. Death of the false believer and of Sasadan Samyagdristi (down fall from Samyagdarshana but not totally false - believer), is called Bal-Bal maran.

    2. Bal-maran is the death of Samyagdristi' (without vow ,i.e. 4th Gunasthanvarti).

    3. The death of the observer of partial-vows, is called Bal-Pandit maran.

    4. The death of Muni (from 6th stage of spiritual development to 11th stage of spiritual development) is called Pandit maran.

    5. The death of Ayoga-Kevli is called Pandit-Pandit maran. (Ayoga kevli means an Omnicient who is free from Karmic vibrations). (Jain Tattva Vidya, P.-181)


    8. Describe the sequence of 12 years Sallekhna ?

    The preceptor, the experienced scholar of prognostics (science of omen) guessing the state of age, gives 12 years Sallekhna to the Kshapaka. He has to undergo different types of austerity of physical mortification (penance enduring bodily pains) for first four years and renounces milk, etc. savours for 4 years. He has to live only on Achamla, i.e. water of rice and tamarind and butter-milk for further two years, then only Achamla for further one year and observes medium penance for further 6 months and superior/great penance for further 6 months. (Bhagwati Aradhna, 254-256)


    9. What is the difference between Sallekhna and 'suicide'?

    Suicide is committed under the pressure of impulsive passions whereas the very basis of the Sallekhna is equanimity. A suicider does not appreciate the immortality of the soul, he considers destruction of the body as freedom from the life, whereas perceiving immortality of the soul, is the fundamental base of Sallekhna, it is adopted for setting right one's own journey to the other world ,i.e. improving the course of next birth. Red-glow of sunrise is like Sallekhna which takes us to brightness (day light) and redness of the sun-set is like suicide which shoves us towards darkness.


    10. What are the transgressions of Sallekhna ?

    Acharya Umaswami has described five transgressions of Sallekhna in Tattvartha sutra village

    जीवितमरणाशंसामित्रानुरागसुखानुबन्ध निदानानि ॥ 7/37॥ 

    Jivitasamsa, Marnasamsa, Mitranuraga, Sukhanubandh and Nidanani.

    (1) Jivitasamsa (desire for life) - Desire to live more after adopting Samadhi, (i.e. 'Sallekhna') At times it happens that there was an incurable disease but due to reduction in diet during 'Sallekhna' the health begins restoring a bit little, then it seems (toKshapaka) that why Sallekhna has been adopted, can live still more.

    (2) Marnasamsa (Desire for death) - Unusual pain is experienced during Sallekhna, then desiring for early death, is Marnasamsa.

    (3) Mitranuraga (Recollection of affection for friends) - To recollect one's own childhood. 'My friends were so and so, I used to play with them, cricket, volleyball, hockey, video games, Badminton and table tennis, etc.'

    (4) Sukhanubandh (Recollection of former pleasures) - Recollecting again and again former pleasure enjoyed with women (wife), sons, grandeur, leaders, actors ,etc., isSukhanubandh.

    (5) Nidana (Constant longing for enjoyment) - Desiring the fruit of this penance in the form of enjoyments and pleasures in future birth, is Nidana. (S. S., 7/37 / 724)


    11. What is the fruit of Sallekhna ?

    One who completes transgressionless 'Sallekhna' gets, as a rule, heavenly abode and enjoying pleasures of heaven attains final emancipation, the salvation. One who has courted death even once by 'Sallekhna', he, as a rule, attains salvation at the most in seven or eight births and minimum in two or three births. (R. K. S., 130)


    12. Of how many body-forms a Jiva can adopt Sallekhna ?

    Jivas of human & Tiryancha body-forms can adopt Sallekhna. Lions, snakes, elephant, etc. get heavenly pleasures by adopting 'Sallekhna', such many examples are found in the canons.


    13. How many Muni are engaged in accomplishing Sallekhna of one ascetic ?

    Forty eight ascetics cause accomplishment of Sallekhna of one Muni -

    4 ascetics do the work of pressing hands-feet, making him sleep-sit-stand, etc..

    4 ascetics exhort religious preaching making him abandon false tales.

    4 ascetics bring suitable food for Kshapaka from the house of Shravakas.

    4 ascetics bring suitable drinkable object for the Kshapaka from the house of Shravakas.

    4 Muni safegaurd that food.

    4 ascetics cause the Kshapaka to excrete excretion and urine and do the works of cleansing his abode, bed (dry grass bed), equipments.

    4 ascetics guard the door of the abode of the Kshapaka so that not any unrestrained person may enter there.

    4 ascetics keep themselves awake all through out the night near him.

    4 ascetics keep watch on the auspicious-inauspicious talks of that town.

    4 ascetics guard the door of the pavilion where religious discourses are delivered.

    4 ascetics exhort audience carefully the preaching of Akshepini, etc. tales (stories containing right knowledge with refutation of wrong principles) and of the doctrine of self and other matters in the assembly-hall (Sabha Mandapa).

    4 ascetics used to walk here and there in the assembly-hall for the protection of/safeguarding the ascetic expert in spiritual argument. (Bhagwati Aradhna, 648-669)

    Note - Maximum 48 and minimum 2 ascetics can also cause accomplishment of Sallekhna.


    14. What the Acharya and Upadhyaya Parmeshthi first of all do before adopting Sallekhna ?

    They forsake the position of Acharya & Upādhyāya as the liberation (salvation) is attained only from the position of an ascetic. The Acharya & Upãdyāya are special posts / position which are essential for the arrangement of the congregation. Emaciating the passions also means that he should also renounce these positions and leaving his congregation should proceed to another congregation for Samadhi because necessarily there will be attachment of the disciples towards Acharya which may cause obstruction in the Samadhi or should cause the congregation to move elsewhere like Acharya Shri Dharsen ji did. The creator/ composer of canon, the Teerthankara also follows canon ,i.e. He also leaves the Samavsaran for Yoga-nirodha (cessation of activities of mind, speech and body) similary, Acharya & Upãdhyāya also forsake their position as well as the congregation. Acharya Shri Jñãnsagar ji, the Guru of Acharya Shri Vidyasagar ji also renouncing his position of Acharya before Sallekhna and entrusting his position of Acharya to his disciple, accepted him as his Guru and making him as the Niryapaka Acharya courted holy death. It was a peculiar incident of the history.


    15. Who is he, who arranges for accomplishing the Sallekhna of aspirants ?

    The Acharya, who causes accomplishment of Sallekhna, is called Niryapak.

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