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मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज
  • Chapter-35 - Worshipping Lord Jinendra Deva

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    1. What is semantic (literal) meaning of 'worshipping'?

    The Hindi word Pooja (पूजा) is formed from the base word 'Poo' (पू). 'Poo' means to adore, or eulogizing the attributes of 'Panch Parmesthi', is called worshipping.


    2. How many kinds are there of worship?

    There are two kinds - 'Dravya worship', i.e. physical worship and subjective or psychical worshipping, i.e. 'Bhava Pooja' or volitional worship.

    1. Dravya Pooja - To eulogize attributes of the God offering water (Jala), sandal (Chandan), unbroken raw-rice (Akshata), flower (saffron coloured -rice) (Pushpa), edible substances (pieces of coconut kernel) (Naivedya), a lighted lamp (In place of lamp saffron-coloured pieces of coconut kernel are used) (Deepa), fragrant incense or sandal powder (Dhoopa), fruit (Phala) and 'Argha' (mixture of all substances-rice, etc.).


    2. Bhava Pooja - Extolling with great devotion the attributes of four-excellences (Anant Chatushtaya, i.e. infinite conation, knowledge, bliss and power), etc. of Lord Jinendra Deva without offering eight auspicious substances of worship, is'Bhava Pooja'or subjective worship.


    3. Who are entitled to 'Dravya' and 'Bhava' worship ?

    The house-holder 'Shravaka' is entitled to both - the 'Dravya Pooja' and the 'Bhava Pooja' and Shramans (Acharya, Upădhãyaya, Sadhu), Aryika, Ailaka, Kshullaka and Kshullikayen are entitled to 'Bhava Pooja' alone.


    4. What are other kinds of Pooja ?

    There are five types of worship -

    1. Nityamaha Pooja or Daily worship - It is performed daily in Jain temples with eight auspicious substances-rice, water, etc. bringing them from home, causing sculpture of idol, building temples, giving land property for worshipping them and worshipping Muni, is daily worship.

    2. Chaturmukh Pooja - It is performed by crowned kings because it is done in all the four directions by installing four faced idols. It is also called great worship being a large one, hence it is also called Sarvatobhadra Pooja.

    3. Kalpavraksha Pooja - It is performed by Chakravarti kings after giving desired donation to beggars.

    4. Ashtanhika Pooja - The Jina worship performed during 'Ashtanhika' festival.

    5. Indradhwaja Pooja - The Indradhwaja Pooja is that which is performed by Indras ,etc. celestial beings. (Commentary on Kartikeyanu-preksa, 391)


    5. What are synonym names of the word 'Pooja'?

    'Yag', 'Yagya', 'Kratu', 'Saparya', 'Ijya', 'Adhwar' 'Makh' and 'Maha', all these are synonyms names of 'Pooja'.


    6. Enumerate the parts/organs of worship ?

    There are 6 parts of worship - Anointment, Invocation, Installation, Drawing near, Worshipping and completion. (formal conclusion)


    7. What is anointment ?

    "अभिमुख्यरूपेण सिंचयति इति अभिषेकः", i.e. mainly watering the Jina idol, is anointment. The entire idol may be watered. Thus flowing (pouring) treated (hot) water on the idol of Jina, is anointment.


    8. How many kinds of anointment are there?

    Anointment are of four kinds -

    1. Janmabhisheka - (Birth Anointment) - "Saudharma Indra" performs this anointment of 'child-Teerthankara'on 'Panduk Shila', taking him there.

    2. Rajayabhisheka -, i.e. coronation - It is performed at the time of crowning the prince 'Teerthankara'.

    3. Dikshabhisheka - It is performed at the time of aversion of Teerthankara from worldly enjoyments before undertaking consecration (initiation).

    4. Chaturthabhisheka - It is performed in consecratory ceremony of installation of Jina idols ,i.e. 'Jinabimba Prathishtha' after auspicious benedictory event of attaining Omniscience (Kewaljnana Kalyanaka). Precisely, this 'Chaturthabhisheka' is also called as anointment of Jina idols, which is performed just before worshipping.

    Note : These four anointments are with respect to humen body-forms.


    9. From when the anointment of Jina idol is being performed ?

    The anointment of the Jina idol is being performedab-aeterno, because the auspicious five benedictory events of Teerthankaras and natural temples are ab-aeterno ad-infinitum (which have neither beginning nor end). The deities of all the four classes perform anointment and worship going to Nandishvara Dvipa during Ashtanhika festival from beginningless time. Thus the tradition of anointment exists from beginningless time and shall continue infinitely. Shri Pujyapad Swami writes in Nandishwar Bhakti -


    भेदेन वर्णना का सौधर्म: स्नपनकर्नुतामापन्नः।

    परिचारकभावमिताः शेषेन्द्रारुन्द्रचन्द्र निर्मलयशसः ॥ 15॥


    Meaning - The Saudharma Indra remains chief person in that worship. He only anoint Jina idols and remaining deities work as directed by Saudharma Indra.


    10. What are the scientific reasons of anointment ?

    Each metal has its own different conductivity, therefore, when the flow of water is poured on the idol of metal then the water is ionized with the contact of that idol. Applying that ionized water, i.e. 'Gandhodaka' (sacred fragrant water) on upper parts of the body, the heamoglobin present in the body is increased.


    11. What is the fruit of anointment ?

    1. Mainasundari had removed the leprosy of her husband Shripal along with other 700 leprous persons by pouring anointment water (sacred fragrant water of the anointment of Jina idol) over them.
    2. Who performs anointment of Lord Jinendra Deva with the water of 'Kshirsagar', he takes birth in the aerial vehicle of deities (in heaven).
    3. Who performs anointment of Lord Jinendra with auspicious thought activity of soul, attains final emancipation (Moksha) thereby get eternal bliss.
    4. When the 'Shakti' (a supernatural weapon granted by supernatural power or god), fastened to Laxmana, was removed by the bathing water of a girl Visalya, then whether the power and strength of all the eight Karmas can not be removed with the anointment water of Lord Jinendra ? Surely will be removed.


    12. Why Gandodaka (anointment water) is worthy of obeisance ?

    In the method of consecratory installation of Lord idol at the time of celebration of five auspicious events through Panch Kalyanaka, the orderly arrangement (decoration) of body limbs (Angnyasa) is done of the idol on the day of auspicious event of penance and on the day of auspicious event of Omniscience, the attribution of the essential mystic and chanting words (Beejakshar), is performed and in the method of imparting esoteric formula (Mantranyasa), the incantation are attributed to the idol by Digamber Jain Muni. The water which falls on the idol by the flow of anointment-water, the effect of those incantations and of incantations recited at the time of anointment, comes in the anointment-water due to this it becomes worthy of obeisance (Gratefully from (Pushpanjali).


    13. What is Invocation, Installation and Drawing near and what is their procedure ?

    1. Invocation (Ahvanan) - Trying to bring appearance (Assuming manifestly the very presence of Lord Jinendra Deva) of Lord Jinendra before one's eyes, is Invocation.
    2. Installation (Sthapna) - Ensconcing His appearance in one's heart, is Installation.
    3. Drawing near (Sannidhikarana) - Establishing uniformity with the Lord Jinendra ensconced in the heart, or 'Drawing near', is 'Sannidikarana'.


    The Invocation is performed bringing both hands together in straight position and keeping the thumbs on the root part of ring finger. Turning over those very hands is Installation. Now keeping the thumbs up, tie the fist and touch the heart with both thumbs and cast the reverential offering of saffron coloured rice (Pushpa) on the 'Thona' (a type of specially prepared dish with stand). This is 'Sannidhikarana'. Saffron - coloured rice should not be offered after Invocation and Installation. Number of saffron - coloured rice is not fixed. Any number may be offered without counting.


    14. Why the 'Thona' is needed ?

    1. When performing worship is resolved, then the 'Thona' causes to remember that we will not get up until the worship is completed ,i.e. the 'Thona' does the work of reminding us of our resolution to do worship.
    2. The electric current does not come in our house directly from power-house but comes through the transformer and comes being converted into low voltage from high voltage. Similarly, if relation is to be established with Jinendra Deva then the 'Thona' is made of its medium. The existence of 'Thona' is for reminding us that we have established relation with the God.


    15. What should be made (written) on 'Thona'?

    'Swastika' (an auspicious emblem ( 5 ) or eight petalled-lotus should be made/written on the 'Thona'.


    16. Why eight auspicious substances for worshipping are offered in worship and what message they give ?

    1. Water - The water cleans the outer filth but your water of attributes removes the dirt of my passions and aversion. It (water) is offered for washing the dust of 'Jnanavarna, etc. Karmas', i.e. knowledge-obscuring Karma attached to the soul.


    The water gives message that like it we should learn to live in harmony/ on very intimate terms with all and should learn to assimilate all and should remain pure (clear-hearted) like the water.


    2. Sandal - Though immediate (for the particular moment) peace (coolness) is experienced from the sandal but O! Jinendra Deva! Your nectar faculty of speech destroys the burning sensation of body and mind for ever. In the present age of adulteration, the turmeric is being used in place of sandal which is of hot nature, that is why the heat, (i.e. suffering) of the world is not destroying, hence, the turmeric should not be offered in place of sandal.


    The Sandal gives us message that we should show courtsy (coolness) towards all like the sandal. The sandal tree spreads fragrance even if some one cuts it, we should also behave like it so that we may not return evil for evil but should speak sweet words like the sandal even if some one beats us.


    3. Raw-rice (unbroken) - O God! I do not want any severed title or rank. I may obtain the eternal position like you so that I may not transmigrate in 84 lakhs births.


    The raw-rice gives the message that just as the rice is not obtained without removing the husk of the paddy, similarly we can not get reality of the soul without abandoning all outer attachments and belongings.


    4.Saffron-coloured rice (flower) - O God! The whole world is suffering from the heat of sex but you have conquered even the victor of sexual desire (i.e. lust), so I offer flowers on your feet for conquering the desire of sex, kindly materialize my this desire without fail.


    The flower gives the message that its life is of two days thereafter it is destined to wither away, it has to fall away being severed from the plant. Our life is also oftwo days thereafter this body will fall away, being faded. If this life will be allowed to be wasted in momentary sensual desires of the body then there is no other way except its withering away and fallen away and we will get nothing except repentance. Therefore, we should try to get rid of all types of desires of touch, taste, smell, colour, etc.


    5. Edible substances - I relished edible and non-edible food day and night to pacify this disease of hunger even then the hunger of this body is not satisfied. It goes on increasing day by day like ghee poured in the fire but you have destroyed such kind of the disease of hunger. I may also get such power so that I may also destroy this disease of hunger for ever.


    Edible substances give us message, "I give life to others destroying mine", similarly, we must atleast do so much that others may also lead their life well. We should not become hurdle for them.




    6. Lighted lamp (saffron - coloured kernel pieces) - Well, this inert lamp destroys the darkness of the outer world. It requires oil and wick again and again but still there is darkness beneath it.


    "But 0 Jinendra Deva! Your lamp of Omniscience remains full of light (bright) for ever without any interruption, that too, without oil and wick and illuminates self and others as well. The light of Omniscience may also illuminate in my heart so I am offering this transitory lamp on your feet".


    The lamp gives message that it gives light to the world even at the cost of burning itself then we should also learn the lesson that we should serve others even at the cost ofenduring troubles.


    7. Fragrant incense (sandal powder) - This fragrant incense cleans the environment of outer world but O God! You have, precisely destroyed the incense of all the eight Karmas. My eight Karmas may also be destroyed and I may achieve the state of eight karma lessness status, therefore, I offer this fragrant incense (Sandal powder).


    We can take the message from the fragrant sandal powder that it spreads its fragrance towards all without any discrimination of rich or poor, big or small, Similarly we should go on spreading the fragrance of love and friendliness towards all.


    8. Fruit - O God! All the fruits of this world are momentary, unstable and are liable to be left here, eating them only immediate pleasure is felt but afterwards only grief comes to hand. I may obtain the fruit of eternal salvation (Moksha), therefore, I offer the fruit on your feet.


    The fruit gives the message that the fruit of worldly desires are useless because they depend on the Karmas; auspicious Karma give good fruit and inauspicious sinfulKarmas give bad one. Keep in mind, the fruit never desires fruit in return; it does its duty. If we do some work then it should be done taking it as our duty and should not expect its return.


    9. Argha (mixed substances of worship) - What is the value of this libation before the status of that priceless/invaluable and eternal rank of Omniscient even then I am offering this 'Argha' out of devotion for attaining that eternal status. The 'Argha' is one in which all eight substances are mixed, similarly, we all should become one, then even the great difficult work is accomplished soon.


    'Jai mal' - The 'Jaimala' is remembering and eulogizing the attributes of'Panch Parmesthi and nine deities (Nava Devta) with specific devotion and reverence after worshipping them with eight particular substances.


    17. In What manner we should offer eight substances ?

    The water should be offered in three flows for destroying birth, old age and death. The sandal mixed water should be dropped/offered in one flow. Raw-rice should be offered with both the bonded fists keeping the thumbs placed inside the fist. Flowers (saffron-coloured rice) should be offered (poured out) with both the hollow hands placed together. Edible substances should be offered keeping them on the plate. The lamp should be offered keeping it on the plate. The fragrant incense should be dropped, precisely in the censer with the ring finger, middle finger and the thumb joining together. Fruit should be offered keeping it on the plate. The ‘Argha’ should be offered keeping it on the plate with both the hands.


    Jinsaraswati English FINAL-170 - Copy.jpg


    18. What should be made (written) on the plate in which substances of worship are offered ?

    Jinsaraswati English FINAL-170.jpgIn the upper side of the plate half moon with a dot should be made and below it three dots and below these three dots 'Swastika' should be made. While making 'Swastika' first of all a line from lower portion to upper side should be drawn with the desire to attain the upward-motion as a symbol of the nerve of universe or line of the world. Diagonal line should be drawn as a symbol of the line of birth and death. All the four curves (turns) are the symbol of four body-forms, i.e. taking birth and death in the 'Lok nari,' (i.e. nerve of the world) are transmigrating in all the four body-forms. Four dots are symbol of four expositions of Jain scriptures (Anuyoga) by which we attaining the knowledge, three dots of tri-jewels (right faith, right knowledge and right action ,i.e. of 'Moksha Marga') are made with intention of assuming tri-jewels and the desire to obtain 'Shidhh Shila' (the abode of emancipated souls) .the 'Shidhh Shila' (the shape of half-moon) and dot (the Dot is the sym bol of Siddha Bhagwan) is made /drawn.


    19. What is completion/conclusion (Visarjana)?

    The completion (Visarjana) is done after reciting Shantipath with the auspicious disposition of world-peace. The completion does not mean departing of adorables but entreating forgiveness for the errors might have been committed in worshipping. Read the 'Visarjana Path' (prayer after completion) after performing worship (बिन जाने वा जानके --------- करहुँ राखहुँ मुझे देहु चरण की सेव)(knowing or unknowingly........... forgive me and give me privelege to worship your feet) In the last, uttering the following couplet, offer 'Pushpa' (saffron coloured rice) on the 'Thona'. The number of 'Pushpas' is not prescribed here, take as many as you wish.


    श्रद्धा से आराध्य पद पूजें शक्ति प्रमाण ।

    पूजा विसर्जन मैं कहूँ, होय सतत् कल्याण ।।


    "With reverence, I worshipped feet of adorable,

    With all my strength and power.

    Now I conclude your worship,

    Bestow upon me welfare for ever."


    Note - 'Pushpa' offered on 'Thona' at the time of beginning (resolution) and completion of the worship, should be dropped in the plate in which offering of eight substances was made. These should not be burnt.


    20. Whether the worship should be performed at night or not?

    Just as the night-eating is prohibited, similarly worshipping at night is prohibited.


    21. Whether deities worship at night?

    There is no difference of day and night in heaven but the same deities do not perform worship at night in places where difference between day and night exists. Two most appropriate instances of 'Dhawla Pustaka' 9 are quoted here.


    1. On attaining the 14 particular parts of scriptural knowledge by any Muniraj the deities come to worship Him and the scriptural knowledge. The scriptural knowledge was attained by Muniraj during evening and the Muniraj became absorbed in spiritual meditative relaxation reciting 'Namokar Mantra' but the deities did not come at that time, next day in the morning the great worship was performed playing musical instruments like conch shell, 'kahla', trumpet, etc. by residential celestial-beings, peripatetic celestial beings, stellar or astral celestial-beings and Kalpvasi (heavenly) celestial beings. (D, 9/13/71)


    2. The final emancipation of Bhagwan Mahaveer was occured in the later night of Kartika Krishna Chaturdashi' (14th day of dark half of lunar month of Kartika) but deities did not come in the night to celebrate the emancipation festival. Saudharma Indra' performed the worship of auspicious emancipation, coming in the morning of Amavashya' (the 15th day of dark half of lunar month of Kartika). (Shri Dhavla, 9/44/125)


    When deities too do not come and perform worship at night in Bharat, Airavat and Vidheha regions then how 'Sharavaka' shall perform worship at night? Therefore, worship should not be performed at night.

    Beside, worshipping at night has been forbidden in many religious treatise.


    1. It has been narrated in verse 210 of Prashnottar Shravakachar -


    त्रिकालं - जिननाथान् ये, पूजयंति नरोत्तमाः ।।

    लोकत्रयभवं शर्म, भुक्त्वा यांति परं पदम् ।।

    Meaning - Who excellent person worship Jinendra Deva in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, they enjoying all enjoyments of all the three worlds, attain the position of salvated souls.


    2. It has been mentioned in verse 65 of Gunbhushan Shravakachar -


    प्रातः पुनः शुचीभूय निर्माप्याप्ता आदि पूजनम् ।

    सोत्साहस्तदहोरात्रं सद्ध्यानाध्ययनैर्नयेत् ।।


    Meaning - Again becoming pure and performing worship of the Deity, Scripture and Guru in the morning spend that day and night in excellent meditation and studying scriptures enthusiastically.


    Specific mention - Here it has been mentioned to worship in the morning and meditation and study of scriptures have been prescribed in the night.


    3. It has been told in verse 73 of Dharmopdesha Peeyooshvarsha Shravakachar - 

    रात्रौ स्नान विवर्जनं ।।


    Meaning - Bathing in the night should be renounced, because the worship is not possible without taking bath, hence prohibition of night worshipping is implied.


    4. It has been said in verse 5/186 of Lati Samhita - (context - should worship Lord Jinendra in all the three joining periods, i.e. at dawn, day and dusk,) but worship of Lord Arihanta should not be performed at mid-night because the violence is necessarily involved in worshipping at night, hence worshipping at night is forbidden.


    22. Living beings of how many body-forms perform worship ?

    Living beings of three body-forms perform worship - human beings, celestial beings and animal.


    23. Who Acharya included worship in Vaiyavrata and Atithi Samvibhaga?

    Worshipping is the service of Lord that aims at attaining the reality of the soul, that is why Acharya Shri Samantbhadra Swami has included worship in the Vaiyavratya. Worshipping means to welcome the guest, hence Acharya Shri Ravisen has included it in Atithisamvibhaga.


    24. In which treatise the worshipping has been said as Samayika Vrata and meditation?

    The worship becomes the cause of deep absorption and in the attainment of the spiritual stage of self-soul, hence it has been included in Samayika vrata in Upaskaddhyana. The worship is meditation, such has been said by Acharya Devsen ji in Bhavsamgraha, hence it has been included in Padastha Dhyana (meditation with holy Mantras).


    25. What are the six kinds of worship?

    1. Nama (Name) Pooja - Pronouncing the name of Arihanta, etc., which Pushpa (saffron coloured rice) are offered in pure space - points, is Nama (Name) Pooja.
    2. Sthapna Pooja (consecrational/installation worship) - To worship attributing virtues of Arihanta, etc., in the stone of some shape, is consecrational/installation worship.
    3. Dravya Pooja (Physical worship with 8 auspicious materials) - To offer water, fragrant water, raw-rice, etc. before Arihanta, etc., is Dravya Pooja.
    4. Kshetra Pooja - (worshipping in holy places) - Worshipping in pious places of Janam Kalyanak ,etc. (auspicious event of birth, etc. of Jinendra Lord) by above method, is Kshetra Pooja.
    5. Kala Pooja - (special occasional worshipping) - Doing anointment, performing worship, etc. on the dates of lunar months of Kalyanakas (auspicious events of Teerthankaras), is Kala Pooja.
    6. Bhava Pooja (Psychical / votional worship) - Pondering over virtues of Arihanta, etc., putting mind into that, is Bhava Pooja.

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