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मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज
  • Chapter-34 - Water Filtration (drinking filtered water)

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    1. Why the water is filtered ?

    Many micro-organisms (Mobile-beings two sensed to 5 sensed beings) remain in water, so to protect these beings the water is filtered. Drinking unfiltered water causes killing (death) of beings remaining in it and going into stomach these beings also cause diseases. Therefore, filtered water should be used.


    2. The water is itself a being then how the beings shall be saved ?

    Mobile beings (Trasakaya) are protected by filtering water, not the water-bodied beings (Jalakayika) because the water is itself a 'Jalakayika' Jeeva.


    3. According to Jainism how many organisms are there in the water ?

    There are innumerable organisms in one drop of the water, if these beings, become equal to pigeons and fly then the whole Jamboodvipa will be filled with them.


    4. How many beings are there in one drop of water, according to Scientists ?

    There are 36450 mobile beings in a drop of water according to Scientist captain Swavorsavi.


    5. What is the procedure of filtering water ?

    Draw the water from the well in a can or any pot not dashing it down harshly. The can should not be a cracked one and no water should fall from it. After bringing the can up, filter the water with a cotton filter-cloth. That filter-cloth should be so thick so that Sun rays may not right across, (i.e. may not penetrate other side) and this filter-cloth should be larger enough than the fore-part (opening part of the vessel in which the water is to be filtered.


    Care should be taken that not even one drop of unfiltered water should fall on the ground. After filtering the water the 'Jiwani' should be dropped in the same source of water from which the water was fetched, i.e. after filtering the water the filter-cloth should be turned back and should be washed with filtered water. After this, the filtration-water should be dropped slowly in the same well or source from which the water was drawn. 'Jiwani' (filtration-water) should not be thrown from above but a metal ring should be attached with the lower portion of the can so that the filtration water may reach at the bottom of the well. Therefore, metal ring should be used.


    6. When the water is drawn from hand-pump or Jet, it comes with friction due to which mobile beings are killed, then what is the advantage of filtering this water ?

    Yes, water come from the jet or hand-pump with friction due to which mobile beings are killed but every time beings are germinated in the unfiltered water. Therefore, the water should be filtered.


    7. Where the 'Jiwani' (filtration-water) should be dropped?

    Well, 'Jiwani' can not be dropped into the Jet or Hand-pump. If there is tank or reservoir in the house containing water, the filtration-water can be dropped there. The beings will be protected/saved till there is water in the tank. Though this procedure is not correct, nevertheless, to which extent the beings may be protected, they should be saved, so that the practice and sacraments of filtering water will remain intact.


    8. What is the limit of filtered water ?

    One Muhurta ,(i.e. 48 minutes). After this, generation of mobile beings (2 sensed to 5 sensed beings) begins again, therefore, after 48 minutes the water should be filtered again.


    9. What is the limit of that filtered water which is sterilized by clove, fennel etc. ?

    6 Hours, but after six hours it becomes limitless, i.e. mobile beings begins to generate in it again.


    10. What is the limit of boiled water ?

    24 Hours, after this it becomes limitless. It should not be boiled again.


    11. A small bag is fastened in the water tap for the whole day, whether it is appropriate?

    No, the bag often dries off while remaining attached to the water-tap, so living beings living

    there die.


    12. Whether rainy water is pure ?

    Rainy water is pure up to 'Antarmuhurta' as no living beings remain in that water but after 'Antarmuhurata' living beings begin to generate.


    13. Apart from the Jainism, whether filtering of water is recommended any where ?

    Yes, It has been said in 'Manusmirti


    'दृष्टि पूतं न्यसेत् पादं, वस्त्रं पूतं जलम् पिबेत् ।।

    That is to say, 'Put/place the foot on the ground after seeing it well and drink water after filtering it'.


    14. What is the opinion of modern science about filtering of water ?

    Water should be drunk after filtering and then boiling it.


    15. What are the advantages of drinking filtered water ?

    Main advantages of drinking filtered water are -

    1. Religion of non-violence is observed.
    2. We are saved from many diseases, on our own.


    16. What happens drinking the unfiltered water in the words of 'GuruvarAchharya Shri Vidyasagarji Maharaj' ?

    Just as the stove flares up (gives off fumes) if unfiltered oil is filled in it, then it has to be pinned, similarly if unfiltered water is poured in the stomach then it also has to be pinned i.e. is injected because of illness.


    17. Whom Lord Mahaveer has called Jaini ?


    महावीर कह गये सभी से जैनी वह कहलायेगा ।

    दिन में भोजन, छान के पानी, नित्य जिनालय जायेगा ।।


    Mahaveer told all, Jaini is that, adopts a specific mode

    Day eating, filtered water visits daily Jina's abode.

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