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मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज
  • मूकमाटी पृष्ठ 407

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    चिकित्सक-दल का सत्कार किया गया,

    सेवानुरूप पुरस्कृत हुआ वह


    अहिंसापरक चिकित्सा-पद्धति

    जीवित रहे चिर,

    बस इसी सदुद्देश्य से

    हर्ष से भीगी आँख ले

    विनय-अनुनय से नम्रीभूत हो

    स्वयं सेठ ने अपने करों से

    नव अंक वाली लम्बी राशि

    दल के करों में दे दी


    दल की प्रसन्नता पर

    अपने को उपकृत माना।


    जाते-जाते सेठ जी की ओर मुड़ कर

    दल ने कहा कि

    यह सब चमत्कार

    माटी के कुम्भ का ही है

    उसी का सहकार भी,

    हम तो निमित्त-मात्र उप...चारक।


    धन्यवाद देते,

    आभार मानते प्रस्थान!


    ‘‘एक बार और लौट आई है

    घड़ी अपने सम्मुख

    आत्मग्लानि की मान-हानि की”


    The group of the physicians was honoured,

    It was rewarded according to its services,


    The medical practice based on non-violence Should survive for ever, –

    Keeping only this very fair objective in view

    With his eyes wet with tears of joy,

    Showing due respect with humble submission,

    -The eminent trader himself, with his own hands

    Placed into the hands of the group of physicians

    A huge amount of money bearing nine digits


    Acknowledged himself obliged

    At the favour bestowed by the group.


    Turning towards the eminent trader,

    The group, while departing, asserted that

    All those surprising events

    Were really caused by the Earthen pitcher

    And its cooperativeness also,

    They were only instrumental cause to it, the Treating...agents. And

    Expressing their thankfulness, They bade

    the final good-bye with a sense of gratefulness !


    "Once again, before us,

    Has turned back the hour

    Of self-aversion Of humiliation.'

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