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मूकमाटी प्रश्न प्रतियोगिता प्रारंभ ×
मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज
  • The Repository of Jewels

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    I see that seated in the temple courtyard, he is expounding the unsolved mysteries of the grantha which is open before him. I find it marvellous that being a nirgrantha himself, he unravels, one by one, the riddles strung into the holy texts by his knowledge and conduct. Actually, I find his style of studying the scriptures quite novel. As he attempts to decipher the mysteries of a treatise with his characteristic humility, his expression changes from moment to moment. Extremely serious now, then smiling gently, mumbling to himself now and then totally lost in the unfathomable depths of the text. I think that only an unusual seeker , who has had the experience of exploring the core of his being, can give such an ever fresh and up to date exposition of the Jain faith.


    In these moments of self-experience, he appears to be boundless and unfathomable like the ocean. Just as the ocean's infinite and bottomless water body exerts a subconscious attraction on us, inviting us to emulate its example, his unspoken invitation inspires us to dip into the ocean of self-experience.


    Just as the ocean remains calm despite absorbing everything, remaining within its ambits no matter how many rivers discharge into it; he remains unattached and calm no matter how many souls surrender themselves at his feet. He is limitless while remaining within his self- imposed limits.


    Just as the waves of the ocean push the flotsam on its surface onto the shore, he loses no time in repulsing the least defiling thought from his impeccable consciousness.


    Like the ocean, he is the repository of great jewels. The invaluable jewels of true faith, true knowledge and true conduct are embedded in the depths of his self. Like the agitation on the surface of the ocean, his engagement in the activities of ahar, vihar and nihar is momentary and on the surface. Deep inside, he is unperturbed and unshakeable in the contemplation of his self.


    I see yet another similarity with the ocean. Just as the water of the ocean can not quench one's thirst, his proximity only intensifies one's thirst for spiritual bliss. Verily, he is an ocean. An ocean of profound self- knowledge.


    Kundalpur (1976)

    Grantha- Binding or stringing together; hence a treatise, a book; also an inner conflict, a complex.

    Vihar - Literally, taking a stroll. In the Jain tradition, the expression connotes the movement of a saadhu, always on foot, from one camp to another.

    Nihar - Evacuation.


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