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मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज
  • The Best Spiritual Endeavour

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    The chaturmas at Muktagiri was over. Acharya Maharaj was proceeding towards Ramtek alongwith the sangha. One day, while on our way to village Ambara, we had to halt in a field outside the village as it had become quite dark. There was a platform made of sorghum stalks in the field and we decided to rest there for the night. Accordingly, we performed the rite of pratikraman and set down for the observance of samayik.


    It was the month of December. The cold was intensifying. At nine o'clock in the night, the shravaks came looking for us when they got to know that. Arbarkavaarani wasa camping in the fields. They did their best to be of service. The place was without any cover and the bed of straw was hard. In spite of all these discomforts, Acharya Maharaj sat motionless in the posture of meditation. He showed absolutely no desire for mitigation of any kind. Around midnight, he lay down on his side to give some rest to his tired body. The sadhus in the sangha had of their own volition decided that they would rest after Acharya Maharaj had retired for the day. Hence, we also lay down to rest.


    As it was getting colder, some of the shravaks covered us with sorghum straw, which was at hand. We observed the proceedings passively, without any reaction. The shravaks were satisfied, thinking that they had provided us some relief from the cold. But, the relief was illusory. In fact, the weight and the jaggedness of the straw only had added to our discomfort.


    The mettle of a true sadhu is tested when he maintains his equanimity through privations and ordeals and remains steadfast in the contemplation of the self. So, we endured everything in silence. The shravaks returned the next morning and removed the straw. We thought that the ignorance of the shravaks should be dispelled, but decided against it when we saw the affectionate and innocent smile on the face of Acharya Maharaj. A little later, after we had gone some distance from our resting place, Acharya Maharaj remarked, “Last night, we were lucky to get an opportunity to rid our self from some of the accumulated karmas by enduring the suffering engendered by them. One should take full advantage of such an opportunity”. We were all astonished at this statement. Our hearts overflowed with reverence and humility and mentally, we prostrated before him. In this age, it is a rare privilege to find shelter at the feet of a seeker, who is adorned by the three jewels of true faith, true knowledge and true conduct and who is always eager to rid his soul of the accumulations of karmas.

    Ambara (1980)


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