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Mrunal goswami

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आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर दिगंबर जैन पाठशाला

विचार सूत्र

प्रवचन -आचार्य विद्यासागर जी

भावांजलि - आचार्य विद्यासागर जी

गुरु प्रसंग

मूकमाटी -The Silent Earth

हिन्दी काव्य

आचार्यश्री विद्यासागर पत्राचार पाठ्यक्रम

विशेष पुस्तकें

संयम कीर्ति स्तम्भ

संयम स्वर्ण महोत्सव प्रतियोगिता

ग्रन्थ पद्यानुवाद

विद्या वाणी संकलन - आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज के प्रवचन

आचार्य श्री जी की पसंदीदा पुस्तकें






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Everything posted by Mrunal goswami

  1. Attaining The ULTIMATE -A spiritual journey The Awakening day There would be one day in your life when you will start realising the importance of Hindu TATVA and our Dharma. NOW, The whole world gets ultimate satisfaction in meditation methods invented by our scholarly ancestors. They now realize how there is no End to "MAYA" and how the happiness of achieving material well being is different from spiritual Well being. There is nothing beyond MOKSH Prapti as an ultimate goal of every living being. And all "BHOG" or "Satisfying senses" will one day take you to "Punar api Janma, purnar api Marnam" (i.e. Reborn again and again death). All material wealth is temporary and not permanent. You cannot own everything on earth, even the richest are poor when compared to the length and breadth of Nature. Now, these days we cannot even break records of our own ancestors in terms of owning land and empire! Can you own empires like The great king Ashoka, Chandragupta Maurya, Prithviraj Chauhan, Changiz khan and many others who have died, buried and lost in the history of world. Even we would one day become history and unremembered, even if we think we are making great impressions all day. The reality is we are not gaining out of these material possession run. We need to gain and accumulate for life after death. Meditation method Meditation is the key to relieve yourself from work stress and unnecessary attachments. Daily sit in any posture during any day time when you are free. Close your eyes and just relax and concentrate on your breath. You will have many ideas coming in your mind. You have to neglect and just concentrate on your breath. The front portion just below your nostrils. You can increase the speed of breathing if you have lot of thoughts coming at a time. Start this and observe... Nirvana and mukti I is very insignificant. Who am I? Who knows Who am I? I don't know Who am I? If some says this is Mrunal than that is the body of Mrunal. What about Soul within. If I am Mrunal and I was this and that. Then, I am not that what you saw. I am not the previous moment. I am not who I was. I am constantly changing. You know that all our body cells and tissues change in almost 5 years. So, again I am not who I was 5 years ago. Am I what I was one year ago? Answer is no. Since, I am changing all day and night. I am taking new breath, new food daily building new blood, new muscles and I am all changing. So, I am not what I was. So who I am? Again if I am changing day in and out. I am not the same person. Irrespective of what clothes I wear or what I possess. If I am not who I was, so all my possessions are also not mine. So, Who I am? I am in the very minuscule micro second. Even there I am changing very microscopically. If take out a bucket of water from river which is flowing and try to recollect the same water again, your attempt would be waste. The water you collected was part of the flowing stream. It's gone now. Now, it’s a new stream. So, again we are not what we were. We are also not what we would be. Because, what I, you or we would be is a question no one can answer. We must know our self first. Who we are? At present I am breathing and I am in the breath. If the breath stops, body stops changing. So, I am called deceased. But am I deceased? For a single moment can you imagine what about our possessions and belongings without us ourselves? I can, we will cling to them. We won't leave them. This is because the strings that connect us to all our possessions are inside our thought. Our mann has got all the knots within. I cannot live without mann or without thought. When I sleep, I leave all and go to sleep, the moment I awake, I am with all my belongings and immediately my mind starts recollecting all the thought process. It’s like a computer switched on with all the programs in RAM and hard disk. So, we behave likewise. There is a power, a force and energy that forces us to live. The energy is transferred from outside. It’s derived from water, food, thoughts and all that's necessary for body living. The transferred energy is in the form or education, memory, learnings and experiences. If we have to attain the Nirvana, we have to release our self from this acquired energy from outside. If we want to connect with the cosmic and supernatural energies which are "Anadi" and "Sanatan", we have to tune our mental receiver i.e. Mann to that frequency. We cannot receive any cosmic without deleting the instances, effects of all energy within and our experiences also called "The Karmic Sanskars". In depth, these experiences are not from single birth or single body that we possess. We have been carrying these sanskaras since long. What we get in life is the reflection of our past wishes and material possessions in our last incarnations. It's not removing the I from our dictionary and talks that would solve the purpose. We have to attain the state of mind which is thoughtless and there is no sanskars left. Here we attain Nirvana or Mukti in true sense. I am sharing some of my learnings and experiences from Meditations. Gautam Budhha, having origins in India, gave world the teaching the path to relieve oneself from the never ending birth-death Cycle. The path of Nirvana. How to relieve ourselves from desires and control our senses. To Identify our subconscious and purify inner deep impressions on our soul and character. He gave world the path towards relieving ourselves from Miseries. What are miseries? are just our thoughts? are they imaginations? or really physical and practical matter. Whatever would be your miseries, they are related to your past experiences or worries of future. Yes you have some physical pain or craving in present. But, if we learn the detachment technique, i.e. observing our body neutrally, from inside out, what we see is we are just observer and if we practice this we are just a observer and not part of any sufferings or cravings. We see different body sensations getting released from our body or evaporating, we see they wer due to our long lasting habits of attachment or Hatred. We are attached to good feelings out of our sensations and respond by hate to our bad feelings or sensations. If we just observe and bear the pain. The pain becomes less and doesn't aggravate. Everything is temporary as we see the world and so the body and so the related feelings and conditions. Nothing is Permanent. Not even your sorrows and worries. ANITYABhavna.. Bhavtu sabb Mangalam. For a spiritual seeker every thought, word and action is an opportunity to choose between spreading peace or violence. Unfortunately in our busy, modern lives all of us are causing ripples of harm to wider society, animals and the environment, often without even realizing. But ignorance is not bliss for those who suffer because of us. If we are to sincerely tread on the noble path of Ahimsa (nonviolence) we must find the time to reflect, the humility to think of others before ourselves, and the resolve to make practical changes in our lives. After all ahimsa is not a passive movement to live and let live, but an active commitment to live and love. Thankfully we are not alone. As a community we can help each other by raising awareness of societal and environmental issues, and by suggesting practical ideas for a more compassionate lifestyle. “Maitri Moves” is a new series that highlights a different issue each time, to inform and inspire. Issues will include animal welfare, ethical shopping, mental health, water conservation and climate change. Self Realization Nobody takes any baggage on final journey. Still Why people run day in and out to possess Iron vehicles, Computers, mobiles, real estates, all worldly products and never get satiated to eat, live and do whatever they are doing? Some lie they can do away with all running! but no one can. They say they have to. Its Duty, its income, It's bread and butter, its all life, Its the purpose, its the vision, its goal and bla bla... No goal is permanent. No liking is permanent. No craze is permanent. Even needs change and evolve. Basics remain the same. Earlier we used to eat food. Now we eat gourmet, dishes, and all wants. Again where will this race end? Now when it has become our habit. And strong habits have translated to our sanskars. Majority of us believe we will leave everything here on this earth. But reality is different we carry !, We carry something with us even after death. No proofs to establish this but realization reveals this hidden fact. So, feed the unseen and relieve the wants, needs and habits and observe yourself, the feelings and all that's happening. Don't react, just see it as it is. To react or not is in our hands but we believe its compulsion to act this way or the other. Observe and change your behaviour, yourself from root. Man is too poor as compared to Nature. Man fights for property, water, food, money and creates borders. Still, in this age when science has unfolded many mysteries of the Universe, We live devided in our own country, own state, own city, own town, own buildings or villages in our own cast and creed. What our forefather scientists discovered has completely lost its meaning. We, the earth are miniscule dot in the universe. Still, we have all our worldly possession egos. The creator of this universe is beyond the scope of our imagination. Our forfathers taught us about the almighty who created us. And search those souls that created the Universe. What we got tangled into? This is mine, this is yours, politics, money, business, super calculations and forgot that nature's mathematics is beyond our computers and calculators. The size of earth vs. the biggest planet Jupiter, the Sun, the Universe and our galaxy is just a dot in the picture. So we live here with pride. Still not even found other planet as a substitute to this life. So, what we can do? Atleast conserve this earth nature! that is in our hand. So let's do it. Increase your frequency of breath, just to concentrate. When you do it for more time, more than one hour, your body gets stiff. Still you observe. If you are determined and ignore the pain the body and practice. Slowly slowly day by day you will get nearer to your subconscious. If you develop daily discipline of practice, one day you will see your Soul. The Light within your body. You will feel totally detached when you see the Diamond within you. Its' not any imagination, Its' from my own personal experience. You see your powerhouse. You see that body is not attached with the soul. It's only we, our thoughts, our attachments that have created all these. We have created our sorrows, we have created our feelings and related sensations. So, its not theory, its practice. Practice and experience is the best teacher. Hope you get the path to experience the light within. If you develop the power source within, you can see other power sources, all the supernatural bodies and ultimately the supreme soul, the God. It's not by imaginations, it's by continuous practice, may be bhakti yoga, dhyan yoga, karma yoga or Gyan yog. Our objective is to reach the ultimate. We have to sit in a very quite environment, where there is least outside world disturbance in the form of noise or action. We have to maintain one steady posture like the padma aasna or any other relaxing posture. Close our eyes, ears and be silent. We have to start observing. We observe our own mind, our own body, our thoughts and most important our breath. Breath is what we have till our death and its just life. Without that there is no life in body. Or you are living when breathing and dead for the moment you are not breathing. So, Wind up yourself to the present moment. What you have is only your breath in the moment. Everything else is past of future. Your all thoughts are a result of knowledge acquired in the past. All your success and failure, pain and agony is related to past, future or your attachments. Your first attachment is body and mind, then the worldly possessions like clothes, car, cellphone, home, office, relatives and so on. You will observe your mind (the mann) going everywhere except observing the breath and the silence. It will start thinking all. So, be silent. Silent your thoughts. But, not by force. Just by observing. Once you observe your breath, you see more and more thoughts come as an obstruction in the process. So, keep focus. How we attain spiritual Enlightenment? the Ultimate goal of mankind. If we want to drink purest water, we have to pass water through different layers of filters. It can be done naturally as it is done by our earth, or we do it scientifically using water purifiers. Similarly, how we can purify our souls. First we have to be physically fit and free from all addictions. Being physically fit is a prerequisite for starting the journey. Its' not impossible for those who are not physically fit, but the body pain may hinder the spiritual realizations. We are usually body conscious all the time. It means we usually pay attention to what is happening with our body all the time. We are also concerned about cravings from our senses. Now, to divert this focus to soul is little difficult in the initial phase. Since, Soul is not apparently visible like any body part. Its' just in our imaginations from what we have read, heard or have been taught. The same case is with our God figure. We have seen lot of statues, paintings, scriptures, read lot of description about god since our childhood. All these have created deep impressions on our subconscious. Now, how we know these impressions, for that, We have to make our body and mind quite. If you think you are in problem, and see the homeless beggar sleeping besides road side, you realize you are better off. We usually compare and if that comparison is the root of our unhappiness then rethink. You are just on road towards destination, someone ahead and someone lagging. But what of you observe all, even yourself, you may find wrong and unjustified chase. You may find what for this run and achieving for what we do not have. The Kings build big forts, fought with enemies to prevent their possessions, weather won or lost, history noted but ultimately they died. Hardly had they enjoyed one bed, one wife, one dress and one dish at a time. Even than never satiated. They had to leave everything and leave. So, our possessions, companies, homes, etc. may last for more time but our life is limited. If we develop unsatisfying habits and character, we are creating one more birth for ourselves. But if we live undetached and renounce ourselves, we are living but not creating new Karmas. If we observe the micro feelings and sensations and know their nature of being temporary, we can never indulge. Our sufferings are a result of our own Karmas, that we have to bear. We may reduce it but not avoid it. Our response to these sufferings further creates new sufferings. So, to stop them, just be an observer, they will vanish. Since Natures law is nothing is permanent. Not even our body. All our cells change after some years. This body is like apparel we got to leave. So, remaining detached will give us that understanding not to develop habits and sanskars that may prevail in our next incarnations. Our hatred or attachment impressions from relationships may get printed in our brains and soul to so deeper extent that they become a part of our next life. And it’s never ending suffering. If we see an ant crawling we must analyze that this miniscule creature has got only one sense and its journey to become human with six senses is too far. We are already at a level where we have an option to react or not. Animals have no option but follow their instincts and suffer their birth. We may ascend or descend the hierarchy, it’s our own choice. KINDS OF DESIRE What is desire? Kama is very easy to understand. This kind of desire is wanting sense pleasures through the body or the other senses and always seeking things to excite or please your senses - that is kama. You can really contemplate: what is it like when you have desire for pleasure? For example, when you are eating, if you are hungry and the food tastes delicious, you can be aware of wanting to take another bite. Notice that feeling when you are tasting something pleasant; and notice how you want more of it. Don’t just believe this; try it out. Don’t think you know it because it has been that way in the past. Try it out when you eat. Taste something delicious and see what happens: a desire arises for more. If we observe our desires and count them, there are innumerable desires. We cannot list them, even if have thousands of pages. And what about those desires when we have fulfilled all listed. That would be a separate list. Now, if we are running day in and out to fulfill these never ending desires, we will end nowhere but in search of even more desires. Many of great emperors in past used to have desires to conquer World. Some of them did conquer but they could not conquer their own death. And had to leave all they earned here on earth. Many made positive impacts and helped their families and country people and are still remembered for the cause. This also vanishes over lakhs of years. Only Godly figures like Krishna, Ram , Mahavir, Jesus, Buddha are remembered till date. But where they are to witness this? They may be somewhere observing all this. For all those who are “AMAR” like those “Chiranjivis” can see and accept all that’s offered to them. They have become ‘Dev’ and immortals. Atleast in minds of crores of people. Our materialism leaves us minimal time to think about how our own desires are justified or not. We need to omit all useless desires and rethink and reshape desires. So that all these desires make us achieve our ultimate goal of NIRVANA. World peace and Harmony World is now a very small place and impact of any disturbance in one place may create problems in other. Maintaining peace and developing peaceful surroundings is a duty of every world citizen. India has lot to give to the world. Our Buddhism has practical demonstrations that how a peaceful mind can create peaceful and creative world without hatred. The thought process of "Bhavtu Sabb Mangalam" Means May all be happy, prosperous and at peace. In other words, May every one becomes happy. This friendly thought is the inner voice of soul. The principles of Buddha are reflections of Bhagvat Gita preaching that advocate the truth of Body and soul relationship. It depicts the relationship of how senses and desire impact on our actions in real life. Detachment never means renunciation or sage living. Rather it's the viewpoint where we can be a observer of our own desires and how our desires function. The viewpoint gives practical demonstration on -How too much obsession to our body and other belongings creates disturbances in our actions and working. All thoughts are born first in the subconscious then the conscious and then they become physical things. Example, One who thinks of eating a pizza, goes to the restaurant based on his convenience and eats a pizza. So, the instinct of hunger or entertainment is first born in our mind due to some previous experience and related hormone secretion. This again is analysed by brain and ultimately decided to convert the thought into actions. Just imagine how many thoughts we have from morning to evening. If we control our thoughts and even before that senses then ultimately we control our actions. If everyone on the planet controls his / her desires and moulds them to a constructive environment, then we have a very beautiful place to live on earth. One free and everyone is free. All thoughts carry a vibration and intensity of energy. Positive vibes and energy results into beautiful creation and happy world. Inaction is also result of no thought mind. A mind with no thoughts is much better than negative thought. What we speak is the reflection of our thought process and subconscious. So, if we control the way we treat a seed, we also have better harvest. Better the quality of seed results in fruitful and disease free tree. We spend huge in managing a tree than a seed. So better manage the seed. The seed of good thought in fertile mind will bring prosperity to the world. Truth, Nonviolence, creativity, all preaching of the great people have been the result of these seeds sown in fertile minds. To live better healthy and prosperous life ahead, Pls follow : 1) Do not Smoke or Drink. (If you cannot leave, Drink lot of lemon daily around 5-6 to save your mind and body from bad effects. Lemon will make you fresh and live) 2) Avoid TEA, Since outside tea is not always free from any foreign unhealthy ingredients. Tea is dry alcoholic since it's brewed and has essence which is harmful. It lowers your appetite and damages digestive system. It also gives black coloured face. 3) Do not eat any outside food. Not even ordered from online. Since, all outside food is commercial preparation and never prepared using proper cleanliness and it may damage your vital organs. 4) Try to connect with your own soul and follow our ancestor's religion, it will save you from many bad eventualities. Population menace: Population is certainly an asset and no population or less populated countries know the value of people. Its people who make this earth more livable or otherwise. So, its we individual people (drops) make population (Ocean of water). So taking responsibility to make this earth a better place to live is our prime duty. Only earning and spending and polluting earth for our liesures doesn't serve the purpose. Time should not me measured as eternal, its also relative. If my present age is say 35, we have maximum 65 years to live. So, I have 65 years as my time. So, certainly India & China being the highest populated countries, who have most of the time on earth. This implies, our responsibility to make earth more livable is more than others. So, we cannot afford to spoil our mother nature. We need to be cautious while spending resources. We can save nature by: 1) wearing White or natural dye clothes (so color usage is reduced and so water pollution is less) 2) Use less private vehicles, 3) Also, limiting our diet, will help in feeding others 4) Be cautious while using daily water usage. 5) Use less of gadgets and electronics even if we have too much money to spend. 6) Last but not the least is exercise control on our senses. On climate change Who is promoting climate Change? Answer is we ourselves and me as well. You know how? 1) every single product we use is an industry and huge market. Huge machines are used to manufacture that single product. Just for example, the laptop and internet that I am using to write this. I am responsible for running all the industry behind this. There is one processor industry, packaging industry, plastic industry, electronics and software industry. So, I am partially some micro percentage responsible for polluting the atmosphere. Even small things like taking selfi, to satisfy the small craze, I am draining and damaging battery a little bit and running the battery industry, running the camera manufacturing industry, the mobile industry, the internet industry and what not. 2) When I am driving a Car, I am doing hell lot of damage to the atmosphere. If I would have used public transport instead, I would have saved a lot for the next generation!!! We cannot just be tribal or simpler now. We cannot live life in a simple manner using minimum products. We are like agents and accomplice in the whole manufacturing and business game. So, to save climate, we ourselves need to be changed. we need to become little tribal and simpler again. Use minimum of everything, even if we have lot of money to spend. Just think!!! It's not only about Climate change alone, but also pollution. There were times when people used to drink river water directly. If you see waters of rivers like Sabarmati, Tapti, Narmada, Ganga and many other rivers, you will notice the unwanted pollutants poured from Chemical industries. This impure water results in many diseases in human and animals. Chemical analysis of water have shown heavy metal impurities that are harmful to humans and animals. We humans for our own selfishness have made big impact on atmosphere and life around us. But most of us never understand the impact cause we cannot blame ourselves. We blame government and other imaginary people. If we accept a little that yes we have done some wrong, then we can be psychologically ready for a positive change. An example to illustrate, say there were 100 teak trees in a region. So, min. 1000 living species like birds and others will be staying and dependent on these trees. Now, I build my bungalow with all wooden furniture of teak wood. I hired carpenter who gave beautiful shapes and designer and other team that gave me beautiful interiors. Once it was done, I was so happy and started showing my friends and posted on social media. This inspired other 100 people to buy such furniture. Now, my home furniture has deprived earth of one tree. This will take another 50 years for replacement. I can afford the cost. But, Can that little bird who had nest in the tree can? They will search for other places or eventually die and become extinct. Now, Since, I have influenced other 100 people, they all will lead to cutting of 100 trees and the whole forest of 100 trees would be cut, leaving that land barren and will result in disturbing rainfall pattern in the region. You see the impact? Space missions Being astronaut is really amazing. And witnessing earth from outside earth would be great experience. But inspite of all these space explorations, mankind has failed to find second home outside this earth. Did we ever think why? 1) We have still many problems and disputes in between people residing on earth, so, we cannot do united missions. 2) If all earth scientists and technocrats unite there would be still more discoveries than now! 3) Instead of appreciating other country research, accomplishment, culture and viewpoints, they are criticised or demotivated by inattentive developed nations. 3) Even best bright talented students from across the world are not given any financial sponsor to work for NASA or study astronomy or contribute earth!! So how we can solve these ?? We need to solve our earthly problems first, and then go for space missions. Happy New year 2023 Message Believe that positive change can happen. Believe that positive change will happen. Believe in yourself. Believe that you will win over your own bad character" KAAM, KRODH, MOH, LOBH," (lust, anger, attachment, greed). Believe Satyamev Jayate (Only Truth will Win), Believe in the eternal, Believe in GOD, Believe in Almighty. Peace comes from within. The whole Universe is the reflection of our own thought and Belief. We are unbeatable, we are immortal, we are son of the almighty. We are Soul within us. We are Supreme soul’s decedents. We have to make something good for the all Parmatma ansh around us. Our thought and vibrations make the universe. We will Make "Vasudhaev Kutumbakam Again. " (World as a family) We will bring Love, Prosperity, Truth, pity, non-violence and all Supreme soul’s character in our own character. We will make it happen. LETS' WELCOME THE 2023.. Year of Happiness, Year of Prosperity, Year of World Peace and progress. Lets Welcome and JOIN THE CELEBRATIONS>>>>HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL MY BELOVED FAMILY
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