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मेरे गुरुवर... आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज

shilpa mithari

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आलेख - Articles

आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर दिगंबर जैन पाठशाला

विचार सूत्र

प्रवचन -आचार्य विद्यासागर जी

भावांजलि - आचार्य विद्यासागर जी

गुरु प्रसंग

मूकमाटी -The Silent Earth

हिन्दी काव्य

आचार्यश्री विद्यासागर पत्राचार पाठ्यक्रम

विशेष पुस्तकें

संयम कीर्ति स्तम्भ

संयम स्वर्ण महोत्सव प्रतियोगिता

ग्रन्थ पद्यानुवाद

विद्या वाणी संकलन - आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज के प्रवचन

आचार्य श्री जी की पसंदीदा पुस्तकें






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Posts posted by shilpa mithari

  1. b6208940-e5a7-4e4d-8d19-268012e53ed2.png
    Dear Respected Members of the JAINA Family,
    Jai Jinendra, Pranam.
    With profound sadness and deep reverence, we bid farewell to Jain Acharya Shree 108 Vidyasagarji MS, a revered spiritual leader whose life embodied the principles of Jainism and illuminated the path of millions worldwide. His recent demise leaves an indelible void in the hearts of countless devotees, scholars, and seekers of truth.
    Acharya Shree Vidyasagarji M.S. was a revered spiritual leader whose teachings transcended cultural boundaries, inspiring people to embrace virtue, non-violence, and spiritual awakening. He dedicated himself to propagating Jain philosophy, advocating for social justice, and emphasizing harmony with nature. His scholarly contributions enriched Jain literature and philosophy, exemplifying virtues like non-violence and compassion. Though he has passed, his teachings and legacy will continue to inspire compassion and enlightenment, ensuring his eternal influence.
    Acharya Shree Vidyasagarji M.S took Salekhana 4 days before his samadhi.
  2. 🎍🌹 विनयांजलि सभा 🌹🎍    जन जन के

    संत, विश्ववंदनीय, संत शिरोमणि, दिगंबर आचार्य 108 प.पू. श्री विद्यासागर  जी महामुनि राज का गत् दिनों चन्द्रागिरी तीर्थ (डोंगरगढ़) मे समतापूर्वक समाधि हुई।  🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏  प.पू.संत शिरोमणि आचार्य गुरुवर की उत्कृष्ट संलेखना समाधि पर उनके श्री चरणों मे श्रद्धा पूर्वक विनयांजलि अर्पित करनें हेतू 'विनयांजलि सभा' मे आप सभी सादर आमंत्रित है..  🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏  आप भजन, कविता, हाइकु, या दो शब्द आचार्य श्री के लिए समर्पित करना चाहते हैं तो आपका स्वागत है ।    कार्यक्रम : रविवार 25 फ़रवरी 2024  सुबह  09:00 – प्रक्षाल/अभिषेक  09:30 – देव शास्त्र गुरु पूजा एवं अर्घ  10:30 – विनयांजलि  11:00 – विद्योदय (विद्यासागर जी महाराज की संयम यात्रा पर विशेष फिल्म) का प्रदर्शन


    श्री महावीर स्वामी मंदिर अटलांटा usa

  3. Unprecedented sad news for both the sects of the whole Jain society, today the two big kings of Jain society-- Acharya Devo's kaldharma is a big loss for Jain society 🙏
    There has been an irreparable damage to both the cult which is never going to be perfect again🙏
    103 years old of Shwetambar society, Sangh Sthavir Param Pujya Acharya, Gachhadhipati Shri Daulat Sagar Surishwar ji and Param Pujya Acharya of Digambar Samaj Shri Vidyasagar ji Maharaj passed away in a single day which is irreparable loss.
    Heartfelt tribute to both respected Gurudev, regards
    Vinram Vinyanjali, cautish salute


    This is called the height of wonder....
    The two saints ...
    Both are great...
    Both are amazing....
    Both are most beneficial...
    The pride of both genuine...
    Both of them meeting the feet of Lord on the same day....
    Surely both the saints go together... There is an irreparable loss for all of us....

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